"The Impact of a Grade Nine Transition Program on Student Success in th" by Phillip Jermaine Johnson

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (EdD)

Committee Chair

Jeffrey Peal


This dissertation was designed to evaluate the effectiveness of the Grade 9 transition program at an urban high school in the piedmont area of North Carolina. Grade 9 is a pivotal year that determines which students prevail and which students fail to finish high school (Hertzog, 2003). It is essential that schools put in place components that ease the transition into high school and provide ongoing support.

Investigation measuring instruments that were used by the researcher included a student survey and a teacher survey which involved Grade 9 students and those teachers who taught Grade 9 students. The data that were collected from both instruments were tabulated to identify if there were common themes. Results indicated whether or not the practices in place had a positive impact on student behavior and his/her attitude towards school.

Recommendations for further research were included after the data from both instruments were tabulated and analyzed.

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