"Middle School Teacher Perspectives toward Classroom Practices and Grou" by Bethany Settlemyre

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (EdD)

Committee Chair

Sydney Brown


This mixed-method research study was designed to examine middle school teacher perspectives toward the classroom practices and groupings of academically gifted students. The Classroom Practices Questionnaire (Archambault et al., 1993) was used to survey middle school teachers on their use of instructional strategies with gifted students. Focus groups were then held to gain insight on teacher perceptions of differentiation practices for gifted students and homogenous and heterogeneous groupings of gifted students.

An analysis of the data revealed that teachers held positive perceptions of teaching AIG students. Data also revealed that teachers believe that homogenous groupings are more beneficial for AIG students. The qualitative data provided by the focus groups allowed the researcher to establish that teachers in both focus groups had positive perceptions of differentiating for AIG students but admitted that they had both inadequate time and training to properly differentiate for AIG students. Teachers in both focus groups expressed negative feelings toward heterogenous groupings which included AIG students. The themes which emerged from this study can be impacted by professional learning opportunities and planning time for instructional units specifically tailored to AIG students’ learning needs.

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