"The Relationship between mClass Reading 3D Assessment and the North Ca" by Amy S. Bowles

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (EdD)

Committee Chair

David Shellman


The North Carolina Department of Public Instruction (NCDPI) instituted the Reading Diagnostic Initiative in 2009 in which select elementary schools across the state were piloting the reading diagnostic tool mClass Reading 3D. This study investigated the relationship between results from the North Carolina End-of-Grade (NCEOG) Assessment of Reading Comprehension and the results from the mClass Reading 3D assessment in a North Carolina elementary school's third, fourth, and fifth grades, especially examining the degree to which mClass Reading 3D predicts scores on the reading comprehension measures of the NCEOG.

The quantitative, correlational study utilized a predictive design to determine if the predictor variables, mClass Reading 3D assessment scores - Oral Reading Fluency (ORF) and Text Reading and Comprehension (TRC) - are accurate predictors of third-, fourth-, and fifth-grade students' scale scores on the NCEOG. This study was conducted in two parts to best address the research questions. Part one consists of descriptive, variance, and inferential statistics (frequency counts, measures of central tendency and variability, and correlations) calculated by grade level and demographic variables. Part one describes the relationship between the predictor variable (mClass Reading 3D) and the outcome measure (NCEOG).

Part two consists of calculating multiple regression analyses using the assessment scores by grade level. Part two describes the predictability of mClass Reading 3D to student scale scores on the reading comprehension portion of the NCEOG. Results of this study are consistent with previous research, indicating mClass Reading 3D ORF and TRC measures statistically, significantly predict student scale scores on the NCEOG. This is important for educators to be able to accurately base instructional decisions on the data.

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