"The Impact of Single-Gender Scheduling on Students in a Title I School" by Janet L. Moss

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (EdD)

Committee Chair

Doug Eury


This dissertation was designed to examine the impact that single-gender scheduling would have on students who attend a struggling Title I middle school. The importance of the middle level cannot be denied. Strong research points to this time in a student's life as the pivotal crux on which success and failure are balanced. Middle level educators are charged with the responsibility of tipping the scales in the favor of student success by arming them with the skills they will need to survive and succeed.

A middle school in the northeastern part of Mecklenburg County had the majority of its students performing below grade level on standardized tests, exhibiting poor performances in the classrooms, and high levels of behavior problems. In addressing these issues, it was determined that a need for a new approach to scheduling and teaching existed.

Based on the collection of research, if single-gender education has a positive impact, it seems to be most evident in populations similar to the demographics of this sample school. The analysis led to identifying two specific priorities: first, that single-gender classes be an integral element of the master schedule; and secondly, that training for teachers is needed, specifically in techniques of teaching and learning among specific genders. The purpose of this research was to determine the impact of the single-gender scheduling on this student population by analyzing academic evaluation data, attitudinal surveys, attendance rates, and discipline data.

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