MA in English Theses | Department of English Language and Literature | Gardner-Webb University


Theses/Dissertations from 2018


Implementing Critical Analysis in the Classroom to Negate Southern Stereotypes in Multi-Media, Julie Broyhill


Fan Fiction in the English Language Arts Classroom, Kristen Finucan


Transferring the Mantle: The Voice of the Poet Prophet in the Works of Elizabeth Barrett Browning and Emily Dickinson, Heidi Brown Hyde


The Effects of Social Media as Low-Stakes Writing Tasks, Roxanne Loving


Student and Teacher Perceptions of Multiliterate Assignments Utilizing 21st Century Skills, Jessica Kennedy Miller


The Storytellers’ Trauma: A Place to Call Home in Caribbean Literature, Ilari Pass


Post Title IX Representations of Professional Female Athletes, Emily Shaw

Theses/Dissertations from 2017


“Not as She is” but as She is Expected to Be: Representations, Limitations, and Implications of the “Woman” and Womanhood in Selected Victorian Literature and Contemporary Chick Lit., Amanda Ellen Bridgers


The Intrinsic Factors that Influence Successful College Writing, Kenneth Dean Carlstrom


"Where nature was most plain and pure": The Sacred Locus Amoenus and its Profane Threat in Andrew Marvell's Pastoral Poetry, James Brent King


Colorblind: How Cable News and the “Cult of Objectivity” Normalized Racism in Donald Trump’s Presidential Campaign, Amanda Leeann Shoaf


Gaming The Comic Book: Turning The Page on How Comics and Videogames Intersect as Interactive, Digital Experiences, Joseph Austin Thurmond

Theses/Dissertations from 2016


The Nature, Function, and Value of Emojis as Contemporary Tools of Digital Interpersonal Communication, Nicole L. Bliss-Carroll


Exile and Identity: Chaim Potok's Contribution to Jewish-American Literature, Sarah Anne Hamner


A Woman's Voice and Identity: Narrative Métissage as a Solution to Voicelessness in American Literature, Kali Lauren Oldacre


Pop, Hip Hop, and Empire, Study of a New Pedagogical Approach in a Developmental Reading and English Class, Karen Denise Taylor

Theses/Dissertations from 2015


Abandoning the Shadows and Seizing the Stage: A Perspective on a Feminine Discourse of Resistance Theatre as Informed by the Work of Susanna Centlivre, Eliza Haywood, Frances Sheridan, Hannah Cowley, and the Sistren Theatre Collective, Brianna A. Bleymaier


Mexican Immigrants as "Other": An Interdisciplinary Analysis of U.S. Immigration Legislation and Political Cartoons, Olivia Teague Morgan

Theses/Dissertations from 2014


"I Am a Living Enigma - And You Want To Know the Right Reading of Me": Gender Anxiety in Wilkie Collins's The Haunted Hotel and The Guilty River, Hannah Allford

Theses/Dissertations from 2013


Gender Performance and the Reclamation of Masculinity in Frank Miller's Batman: The Dark Knight Returns, John William Salyers Jr.

Theses/Dissertations from 2012


"That's a Lotta Faith We're Putting in a Word": Language, Religion, and Heteroglossia as Oppression and Resistance in Comtemporary British Dystopian Fiction, Haley Cassandra Gambrell

Theses/Dissertations from 2011


Mirroring the Madness: Caribbean Female Development in the Works of Elizabeth Nunez, Lauren Delli Santi


"Atlas Shrugged" and third-wave feminism: An unlikely alliance, Paul McMahan


"Sit back down where you belong, in the corner of my bar with your high heels on": The use of cross-dressing in order to achieve female agency in Shakespeare's transvestite comedies, Heather Lynn Wright

Theses/Dissertations from 2010


Between the Way to the Cross and Emmaus: Deconstructing Identity in the 325 CE Council of Nicaea and "The Shack", Trevar Simmons