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The purpose of this study was to determine the effects of distance running on sedentary middle-aged adults with idiopathic hypertension through quantitative, objective measurements. It is hypothesized that the 5000-meter participants would have the greatest reductions in blood pressure due to evidence that more aerobic activity has a high correlation with decreased blood pressure in hypertensive individuals.
Publication Date
Spring 2019
Boiling Springs, NC
Distance running, blood pressure, idiopathic hypertension, adults, sedentary
Medicine and Health Sciences | Movement and Mind-Body Therapies | Rehabilitation and Therapy | Sports Sciences
Recommended Citation
Kanetzke, Courtney, "The Effects of Distance Running on Idiopathic Hypertension in Middle-Aged Sedentary Males" (2019). EXSI 432/532: Research Methods in Exercise Science: Research Proposal Posters. 65.