The Effect of Pre-Competition Lower Limb Sport Massage on Vertical Jump Height of Collegiate Female Volleyball Athletes
Audrey Gun
The purpose of this study was to examine the acute effects of pre-competition massage, dynamic warm-up, combination of massage and a dynamic warm-up, and a placebo ultrasound on vertical jump height performance in collegiate female volleyball athletes. Vertical jump height was selected is a common performance assessment for measuring strength and power in sport, specifically volleyball (Mancinelli et al. 2006). Four different protocols: pre-competition massage (PM), traditional warm-up (WU), combination of a massage and traditional warm-up (CM), and a placebo ultrasound (PU) were administered in a randomized, counterbalanced, repeated measure. Twenty female NCAA Division I, volleyball athletes participated in the current study. Each subject completed each warm-up protocol with a 48-hour gap between training sessions. The Vertec™ unit was used to measure vertical jump displacement (MF Athletic Co. Cranston, RI)
Do gender and collegiate sport participation correlate with healthier body composition in collegiate subjects?
Audrey Gun, Tim Bennett, and Lauren Deaver
There has been extensive research by many in the past into body fat percentage measurement methods as well as these measurements. It is historically proven that the common method of BMI is not a good measurement of this, as it is often found that male and female college athletes BMI are significantly higher than non-athletes (Ode et al., 2007). With this in mind, there were many other methods that proved to be more reliable when compared to the golden standard, the bod pod. These methods include bioelectrical impedance (BIA) measurements, and waist-to-hip ratio. For our study, we decided to use three different types of BIA measurements including the handheld BIA, standup BIA, and the electrode BIA, the waist-to hip ratio, and the BodPod to compare between male athletes and non-athletes and female athletes and non-athletes
Chronic Hemodynamic Response to Blood Flow Restriction Training on Geriatric Hypertensive Patients
Maggie Jackson
Studies have shown that BFRT has elicited improved hemodynamic characteristics associated with hypertension such as lowered systolic blood pressure (SBP)and diastolic blood pressure (DBP). The purpose of the research study was to determine the chronic hemodynamic effects from BFRT in geriatric, hypertensive patients. Engaged BFR walking and chair-stand conditions as a therapeutic modality. The perceived usefulness of this study is its positive influence on hypertensive patient’s quality of life and their body’s ability to mediate hypertension.
The Effect of Static versus Dynamic Stretching Programs on the Lower Body Power Assessments of the Broad and Vertical Jumps on Male Collegiate Football Players
Antwann McCray
Football is a sport that requires power to be successful. The broad and vertical jumps are used for talent identification as it relates to power. Increases in range of motion should increase power and therefore better performance on the broad and vertical jumps. This study analyzed dynamic versus static stretching and its effects on jumping performance, determining which had a greater positive effect on performance. This study used skill players from the Gardner-Webb University football team. The participants participated in the study during their off-season training (15 weeks), but their respective stretching protocols were implemented into the training. To determine which stretching protocol was more beneficial, the study looked at percentage of change.
Effects of Electrical Muscle Stimulation (EMS) and Active Recovery on Blood Lactate Levels
Andrew N. Mintz
Electrical muscle stimulation (EMS) is a method of muscle recovery used by athletes before, during, and after competition. Active recovery is arguably the most popular recovery technique after intense exercise because of how much it reduces lactate levels in the blood. Few studies have analyzed the effects of EMS and active recovery on blood lactate levels in swimmers, and none have been found on the combination of the two. Therefore, there is an insufficient amount of information linking the two methods together for the purpose of maximizing blood lactate reduction. This study sought to analyze the effects that EMS and active recovery have on Division 1 collegiate swimmers’ blood lactate levels specifically in their quadriceps muscles. Participants completed two sets of seven 200-yard swims separated by a week, with the intensity of each swim gradually increasing until the last two which are maximum effort. Following the final swim, each participant completed the EMS and active recovery protocol. Blood samples were taken after each swim and following recovery protocol to analyze lactate levels. It was hypothesized that the combination of the two methods would lower lactate in the blood faster than only utilizing active recovery or EMS.
Cupping Therapy on Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness of Back Musculature in College-Aged Male Lifters
D'Kota Isaac Sams
The present study was as a randomized placebo-controlled three-armed parallel-group trial comprised of twenty-one healthy novice men who were randomly assigned to one of three groups: a dry-CT intervention group, a placebo, sham cupping (SC) group, or a control group that received no post-exercise treatment. Training and treatment sessions took place every three days over an eight-week period. The effectiveness of CT was determined based on decreases in visual analogue scale (VAS) scores indicating DOMS severity. Secondary outcome measures, multidimensional fatigue inventory (MFI) scores indicting fatigue variations and Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI) scores indicated quality of sleep, were also evaluated for each group.
Gender Differences of Body Composition Across Four Different Forms of Assessment
D'Kota Isaac Sams, Isabel Eigenbauer, and Reah Barger
The present study aimed to evaluate the differences in body composition, specifically body fat percentage (BF%), fat-free mass (FFM), and body mass index (BMI), across four forms of assessment. It was hypothesized that male subjects, on average, would display consistently lower BF% when compared to females across four body composition data collection methods, and results would be highly correlated between the four. The BOD POD acted as the present study’s gold standard due to it being one of the most accurate methods of assessing BF% (Collins et al., 1999). It was assumed that women would have a higher BF% than men on average. According to Robergs and Roberts (1997), a healthy range of body fat for women is 20% to 25%, and a healthy range of body fat for men is 10% to 15%. A BF% over 20% for men and 30% for women is considered an indication of obesity. Additionally, Akindele et al. (2016) suggested that as BMI increases there is a corresponding increase in the BF%. Females are more likely to report BF% higher than their BMI but this concept is flipped for males meaning they will report lower BF% than their BMI.
Effectiveness of cardiac rehabilitation in preventing a second negative cardiac event for 15 years.
Kaylin Schuda
The purpose of this study was to determine if cardiac rehabilitation was effective in reducing risk of the participant undergoing a second negative cardiac event for up to 15 years. Participants between the ages of 65 and 75 underwent 12 weeks of cardiac rehab. The 12 weeks of cardiac rehab consisted of 3 sessions a week and each session had an educational component to it. The participants would then return to their daily living and live as they normally would. Approximately 15 years after the completion of cardiac rehab for the participants, researchers would access their medical records. This was to see if the participants suffered a cardiac event after the completion of cardiac rehab. The participants had to sign an informed consent prior to participation in this study. The study was conducted at the Edward Elmhurst Hospital cardiac rehabilitation center. It was hypothesized that cardiac rehab was effective in reducing risk of a second negative cardiac event.
The Effects of Dry Needling on Pain, Range of Motion, and Strength in Elite Overhead Athletes with Shoulder Injuries
Sophia K. Smith
Previous literature has examined using dry needling as a treatment method for rehabilitation in shoulder injuries along with physical therapy. The purpose of this study was to observe the effects of dry needling on pain, range of motion, and shoulder strength in elite overhead athletes with shoulder injuries. It was hypothesized that dry needling would decrease pain and increase range of motion and strength in elite overhead athletes with shoulder injuries.
Treatment Effects of Pop Music Combined with Aerobic Exercise on COPD Patients
Jessica Vetter
The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship between music-exercise therapy on patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease. Specifically, looking at the effect of pop music combined with aerobic exercise over the course of 12-weeks using a quantitative approach. It is hypothesized that exposing COPD patients to aerobic exercise and pop music will decrease COPD symptoms and improve their overall quality of life. This study will use N=60 participants. There will be a control group and a music-exercise therapy group. The music-exercise therapy group will be taken through aerobic exercises while listening to pop music. This will be completed three times a week over the course of 12-weeks. This research will measure the physical, emotional, and cognitive effects of music exercise therapy on COPD patients.
The Effects of Dry Needling Combined with Conservative Treatment on College-Aged Athletes With Rotator Cuff Disease
Reah Barger
"The Effects of Dry Needling Combined with Conservative Treatment on College-Aged Athletes With Rotator Cuff Disease" - Research Proposal Poster
The Impact of Playing Surface on DOMS in MLS Players During Training
Luke Beamer
Exercise Science and Honors Thesis Poster
Effect of Diet Intervention on SIRT1 Regulation and Depressive Symptoms
Tori Birks
The purpose of this research was to investigate the relationship between diet and depressive symptoms while also taking into account the influences our genetics play in this relationship.
Importance of Linking Mental Health and Physical Recovery in Females
Lauren Deaver
This project is a single side poster diving into why it is important to study specifically females in ACL tear rehabilitation and mental health.
Effects of Partial Body Cryotherapy on DOMS in Hamstrings of Elderly Adults
Isabel Eigenbauer
This poster discusses previous studies that tested different types of cryotherapy on delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS) in younger populations. The methods explain a process in which elderly adults (65-85) would perform exercises to induce DOMS before undergoing one session of partial body cryotherapy (PBC). The participants' response to DOMS and cryotherapy was measured four times afterwards.
The Effects of Plyometric Training on Males in an Army Airborne Unit
Lane Evans
This poster is a brief representation of the research proposal that I am completing in EXSI 432.
The Effect of Nutritional Status on the Presence of Lower-Extremity Stress Fracture in Young Vocational Dancers
Kinzy Hancock
This research project aims to investigate the effects of nutritional status, and resulting bone mineral density (BMD), on stress fracture incidence in young, female vocational dancers.
The Improvement of Pancreatic Function in Middle-Aged Diabetic Males
Zachary Tyler Lovelace
This research proposal is an attempt to identify the causes and reasoning behind the improvement of the pancreas after submaximal aerobic exercise has been induced in middle-aged diabetic males.
The following are research proposal posters by students in EXSI 432: Research Methods in Exercise Science.
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