"Improving Outreach & Collaboration" by LaToya Bridgers, Molly Dibble et al.
Instructional Modules for Professional learning Responding to Opportunities and Valuing Educators (IMPROVE)



PLM Resources PDF (190 KB)


The module is designed to assist teachers and educational leaders in navigating resources that will aid in parent outreach. Henderson, Mapp, Johnson and Davies (2007) give four core beliefs to build strong partnerships between the home and school: 1. All families have dreams for their children and want what is best for them, 2. All families have the capacity to support their children’s learning, 3. Parents and school staff should be equal partners, 4. Responsibility for building and sustaining partnerships between school and home rests primarily with school staff, especially school leaders. The module, based on those four core principles, provides tools to provide outreach through the lens of partnership, interaction, and feedback to and from families. This module will help educators in learning how to develop trust and understand the families that make up their school communities in the effort to foster comprehensive involvement and improve the overall culture of the school.

View professional learning module.

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Boiling Springs, NC


open educational resources, family outreach, community outreach, family and school partnerships, feedback between families and schools, family and school interaction, family outreach action planning


Curriculum and Instruction | Education | Teacher Education and Professional Development

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Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 4.0 License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 4.0 License

Improving Outreach & Collaboration
