PLM Resources PDF (190 KB)
The purpose of this learning module is to provide information for teachers and administrators to learn ways to overcome barriers to participate in PLCs. The goal of this learning module is to provide teachers and administrators with resources to employ facilitation skills, create trust among colleagues, develop collective wisdom, build ownership, and take action to support student learning.
Publication Date
Boiling Springs
Professional Learning Communities (PLCs), collaboration, overcoming obstacles, resistance to change, student achievement
Curriculum and Instruction | Education | Teacher Education and Professional Development
Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 4.0 License
Recommended Citation
Lee, Lindsay; Moore, Audrey; Szakasits, Angela; and Wortham, Cynthia, "What if I can't PLC?" (2016). Instructional Modules for Professional learning Responding to Opportunities and Valuing Educators (IMPROVE). 8.

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Curriculum and Instruction Commons, Teacher Education and Professional Development Commons