"Supporting Professional Development Through Digital Principal Leadership" by William Sterrett and Jayson W. Richardson


A core role of the K-12 school leader is to support and nurther the growth of others. That growth is commonly thought to be at the student level. However, school leaders must also focus on the growth of their teachers. School leaders are adjusting to a world where technology has crept into many aspects of the profession. And sometimes, technology innovation comes during a time of sudden disruption, such as the COVID-19 pandemic in Spring 2020 where digital learning and leadership become the new norm, even when uncertainty and change were omnipresent. As such, while it is clear that principals must be collaborative instructional leaders, and that principals must develop their faculty and staff, what is left to be known is how principals use technology to engage in such activities. This study is guided by the question, "How do principals leverage digital leadership to transform their school into a professional learning organization?" The findings are organized into three themes of how these principals lead in this work.
