Reviewers | Journal of Organizational & Educational Leadership | College of Education | Gardner-Webb University


Editor-reviewers read manuscripts commensurate with a double-blind peer-review process. Research and evaluation studies are critiqued in terms of significance of topic, conceptualization, methodological soundness, discussion quality, overall scholarship, and appropriateness for JOEL. The Editor-in-Chief strives to match topic and methods with editor-reviewer expertise. Editor-reviewers critique opinion based manuscripts on balanced perspective, location-region, topics, scholarship, and quality of argument. The Editor-in-Chief strives to match topic with editor-reviewer expertise and interest. Editor-reviewers critique books on relevance to organizational and educational leadership and the JOEL reader community. Editor-reviewers may read our Book Review Guidelines to ensure that the author meets editorial requirements. The Editor-in-Chief strives to match topic with editor-reviewer expertise and interest.

Reviewer Assessment Forms

Research and Evaluation Studies

Book Review
