"1948 Minutes of the Kings Mountain Baptist Association" by Kings Mountain Baptist Association



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The 1948 meeting of the Kings Mountain Baptist Association took place at Casar Baptist Church in Casar, NC, Dover Baptist Church and Second Baptist Church in Shelby, NC. The introductory sermon was delivered by D. Boyd Cannon. Gardner-Webb College reported its highest ever enrollment. College president (Elliott) reported that he is seeking membership for the school in the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools (SACS). There was reported growth and increased importance of the Vacation Bible School program. The report on orphans mentioned the new foster home program. The report on world relief discussed the aftermath of WWII and the role of Christians in providing relief.

Circa Date

1948, October 21


Casar Baptist Church


NC Baptists, Baptist History, Gardner-Webb University, foster home program, WWII, World War Two, Second World War


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1948 Minutes of the Kings Mountain Baptist Association
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