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The 1947 meeting of the Kings Mountain Baptist Association took place at Ross Grove Baptist Church in Shelby, NC and New Bethel Baptist Church in Lawndale, NC. The introductory sermon was delivered by W. W. Harris. The Report on Christian Education mentioned important developments impacting Gardner-Webb College as it related to the Council on Christian Education. Issues were raised regarding the balance between the Council and the colleges in reference to colleges maintain independence but surrendering enough control to the Council to govern finances, curriculum, and church-school relationships. WMU hosted a guest missionary from China. Baptist Hospital reported that 4,000 of 8,000 patients were able to receive free services. The report from the Church Beautification Committee included a list of church beautification projects. The Association is researching associational history in preparation for their 100 year anniversary. A report from the Baptist Radio Commission was included.
Circa Date
1947, October 23
Ross Grove Baptist Church
NC Baptists, Baptist History, Gardner-Webb University, curriculum, Baptist Hospital, associational history
Arts and Humanities | Christian Denominations and Sects | Christianity | History | Religion
Recommended Citation
Kings Mountain Baptist Association Collection, Minutes of the Kings Mountain Baptist Association, 1947. Series 1, Box 5, University Archives, Gardner-Webb University, Boiling Springs, NC.