Stewart Hall
Start Date
4-3-2023 9:00 AM
End Date
4-3-2023 9:00 AM
Session Chair
Allyson Butts
Dr. Meredith Rowe
This presentation seeks to be a thorough literature review seeking to answer the question of “what effects did the COVID-19 pandemic have on children and adolescents?” Various topics (effects) will be discussed. The underlying hypothesis of this work is that the COVID-19 pandemic did more than just infect people with a virus. I intend to shed light on the complexity of effects that the global shutdown had on the well-being and performance of children and adolescents.
Included in
Session IA: Psychology Presentation 3 - The Effects of Covid-19 Pandemic Isolation on Multiple Aspects of Child and Adolescent Lives
Stewart Hall
This presentation seeks to be a thorough literature review seeking to answer the question of “what effects did the COVID-19 pandemic have on children and adolescents?” Various topics (effects) will be discussed. The underlying hypothesis of this work is that the COVID-19 pandemic did more than just infect people with a virus. I intend to shed light on the complexity of effects that the global shutdown had on the well-being and performance of children and adolescents.