"Yearly Endometriosis Education for Reproductive Nurses" by Jessica Boyer


Jessica Boyer

Date of Award

Spring 2021

Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science in Nursing (MSN)

Committee Chair

Abby Garlock


Reproductive and infertility nursing is an ever-growing subspecialty of women’s health where education and nursing resources are often limited and these nurses learn the majority of their skills through experience. Endometriosis is an increasingly common disease that reproductive nurses are encountering in growing numbers. A thorough literary analysis discovered the importance of early diagnosis to aid in a patient’s overall prognosis and long-term success with symptom management. A continuing education curriculum was created and implemented in a reproductive clinic in the South Eastern United States as a yearly learning opportunity for reproductive nurses in an effort to review the fundamentals of endometriosis and discuss the importance of early diagnosis and management.

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