Date of Award

Fall 2022

Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science in Nursing (MSN)

Committee Chair

Candice Rome


Bedside reporting can directly correlate with preventing errors in the healthcare setting. The three main errors that occur are falls, medication errors, and sentinel events. These errors have a vast number of different outcomes, even resulting in death in some cases. Despite The Joint Commission directly stating that bedside reporting is best practice, this is not always what is conducted in many hospital organizations. Literature has suggested the problem that exists with implementation is the longevity of the implementation from staff. Identifying a feasible and conducive way to implement bedside reporting that is both favorable for the patient and staff directly combats these errors. The purpose of this MSN project was to refine the way bedside shift reporting is being completed, for the better of the patients and staff. The purpose is to give patients the autonomy to decide whether they would like to be included in the bedside report. The patient would be asked during each shift, ensuring that they are still given the option. It would be important to educate the patient that safety checks would still be completed, the report could just be given without involving the patient. The objectives of the MSN project were to decrease falls, medication errors, and sentinel events; all nurses on the unit will be using the standardized method in their practice; patient satisfaction will increase. Due to the limitations of this MSN project, such as a baseline assessment of the number of falls, medication errors, sentinel events, nurse compliance with bedside reporting, and patient satisfaction percentages, further research is needed to strengthen the research and results of the project.

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