Date of Award

Summer 2022

Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science in Nursing (MSN)

Committee Chair

Candice Rome


Boarding patients in the emergency department (ED) can lead to several adverse events and errors that can prolong the patient’s hospitalization and delay discharges from the inpatient floors. These excessively long hospital stays decrease the number of bed available to patients being admitted from the ED, creating a bottleneck effect of patients backflowing in the ED. When this occurs, there are less available beds and resources for new ED patients, creating long wait times, and eventually an increase in the number of patients leaving before provider evaluation. This MSN project serves to create a new job role in the ED for an inpatient charge nurse to monitor the plan of care for each boarding patient in an attempt to reduce the number of adverse events occurring in the ED. The goal of this project is to decrease hospital length of stay, decrease the number of adverse events, and decrease the number of patients leaving before provider evaluation. The evaluation plan for this project is to compare the data prior to and following project initiation to ensure determine if the number of patients leaving before provider evaluation, number of adverse events, and wait times improve.

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