"An Analysis of the Connection Between a Principal Development Program " by David (Jay) Jones

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (EdD)

Committee Chair

John Kaufhold


America faces the following problems related to the supply of school principals: shortage, poor understanding of the changed role, and inadequate training. In response to problems, the state of North Carolina has implemented the School Executive Standards to evaluate principals and drive the professional development of them. The purpose of this descriptive study was to report on the perceptions of principals and assistant principals regarding the connection between a district level principal development program and preparation to meet the "North Carolina School Executive Standards". A sequential QUAN-QUAL analysis was applied to data collected through a survey and individual interviews. Measures of central tendency were utilized to analyze the survey, and theme coding was conducted to analyze the interviews. Ultimately, detailed reporting on program participant perceptions related to each of the "North Carolina School Executive Standards" is presented.

An analysis of the data revealed that participants in the principal development program generally agreed that the program helped prepare them to be effective leaders in accordance with the "North Carolina School Executive Standards". With the exception of one realm of executive leadership, external development leadership, data from both the survey and interview clearly show positive perceptions of the connection between the principal preparation program and the standards.

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