"An Analysis of the Culture in a Foreign Language Immersion School" by Amy Felicia Eybl

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (EdD)

Committee Chair

Douglas Eury


This dissertation was designed to assess the culture in a foreign language immersion magnet school to determine the type of culture in the school, to discover how the culture in the school is perceived by the foreign language immersion and non-immersion staff members, and to determine the impact the presence of the foreign language immersion program has on the culture of the school. This study was designed to add to the knowledge base on school culture in the foreign language immersion setting.

The writer used the School Culture Triage Survey developed by Christopher Wagner to assess the culture of the school. Additional data were obtained from observations, interviews, and school documents.

An analysis of the collected data revealed how the culture is perceived by the staff members and the type of culture in the school. Although there is a perceived culture in the school, the culture has only previously been assessed through the North Carolina Teacher Working Conditions Survey but never specifically with the school culture in a foreign language immersion school as the focus.

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