"A Program Evaluation of a Christian College Baccalaureate Program Util" by Victoria F. Hanchell

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (EdD)

Committee Chair

Doug Eury


This dissertation was a program evaluation of an undergraduate program of study at a Christian institution of higher education. The college had not received a formal evaluation since the institution of their strategic planning in 2008. The program evaluation of this baccalaureate program was reviewed through the lens of the CIPP Evaluation Model (Stufflebeam, 2002). Through the CIPP Evaluation Model, the Context (C), Inputs (I), Processes (P), and Product (P) of this institution were evaluated.

Four research questions were developed to coincide with the four thematic areas of CIPP model. The four research questions were (1) Context: How were the objectives of the program aligned with the needs of the enrolled student body; (2) Input: What were some alternate strategies or approaches that could have been used to enhance the merit of this program; (3) Process: How did the college implement activities/strategies that have been previously outlined; and (4) Product: To what extent did the program meet objectives or goals that were stated in the strategic plan?

The research design methodology included the following: structured interviews of enrolled students and full-time members, focus group of currently enrolled students; institutional documents analyzed which included the staff/faculty handbook, accreditation/strategic planning documents from 2009 for 2012-2015; Noel-Levitz Adult Learner Inventory administered to currently enrolled students; test score information from current institutional data from the Allport/Vernon/Lindzey study of Values Test and the Association of Biblical Higher Education biblical knowledge test (Form E).

Based upon the findings of the program evaluation, the baccalaureate program is satisfactorily functioning. However, the evaluator determined recommendations for consideration based on the evaluation findings, including the need for the institution to display its complete course sequence on the website and corresponding course descriptions with the necessary prerequisite course listed; administer a faculty-created mandatory Bible knowledge test to all graduating seniors; create a presidential leadership team comprised of two faculty members and two students to discuss ideas, issues, and concerns; and infuse the curriculum with technology to increase communication to the students. The evaluated program has also received an executive summary for their review.

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