"A Program Evaluation of a Hiring Process in a School District" by Charles Westley Wood

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (EdD)

Committee Chair

Joe Bullis


The purpose of this program evaluation was to analyze the effects of the Ventures for Excellence program on the hiring process of a northwestern North Carolina school district. The perceived problem was that in this particular school district there was a need for a hiring instrument that provided a large applicant pool of quality teachers and created an efficient hiring system. There was also a need to have a hiring system that would protect the school district from any legal issues that might arise from the interviewing of teacher applicants.

The setting for this project was a school district located in northwestern North Carolina. This school system implemented the Ventures for Excellence program in 2009. The identified school district was chosen because the researcher was a district-level administrator of the school district and had access and working knowledge of the implementation of the program. Principal leaders were asked to complete a 5-point Likert survey comparing qualities of teachers hired using the program to qualities of excellent teachers. Focus-group interviews of principal leaders were conducted by an appointed proxy.

The study's methodology included survey responses, focus-group interview data, a study of human resources data related to legal issues, and a study of North Carolina Educator Value-Added Assessment data for teachers hired using the program. Findings substantiated that Ventures for Excellence, when used in the district hiring process, was met with different degrees of success in various areas.

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