"Continuing Education Certification Programs for Career-Long Learning: " by Patricia Oliver

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (EdD)

Committee Chair

Althea Bradford


The Division of Continuing Education at Winston-Salem State University has a service gap in the market regarding career-long learning in the community. Continuing Education wanted to establish a project that would bring in revenue with very little start-up costs.

The purpose of this project was to look atcareer-long learning as a concept in the disciplines of allied health, computer technology, paralegal, project management, and business administration at Winston-Salem State University in the Division of Continuing Education. The need for in-depth education and training in specific areas has been influenced by the shortage of corporations and hospitals in some areas. One approach to career-long learning is certificate and certification programs. A certificate program can be a single course or a linked series of credit or noncredit courses that constitute a coherent body of study in a discipline. Career-long learning is the heart of professional discipline today. The highest degree a professional person holds is not the end of learning. In fact, academic degrees in an area such as nursing should come with additional training as part of one’s profession. Career-long learning must be planned, cultivated, and managed by individuals who seek to gain additional knowledge and support by their employer. Certificate and certification programs were formed to interest professionals in continuing their studies in a specialized discipline.

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