"Place-Based Education: A Program Evaluation" by Hannah S. Moody

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (EdD)

Committee Chair

James Palermo


The researcher designed and conducted a program evaluation on the place-based education component at Summit Charter School. Specifically, the researcher wanted to know how the place-based education program at Summit aligned with national standards of a successful place-based education program, as outlined by the Place-based Education Evaluation Collaborative. Observations, document analysis, and survey data were collected by the researcher and analyzed using Horsch’s (2008) Logic Model. This program evaluation revealed that Summit Charter School is emerging as a place-based education institute. Recommendations include place-based education leadership training for Summit’s administration, ongoing staff development in the area of place-based education, and intentional focus on the national standards of place-based education that were not met or found to be emerging by this evaluation. Strengthening components of the place-based education program would help Summit achieve the school’s desire for more recognition as a place-based education institute.

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