"Phenomenological Study of Middle School Teacher Practices Regarding Ho" by Anna Brooks

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (EdD)

Committee Chair

Stephen Laws


This study was an investigation of homework practices at the middle school level. For this phenomenological study, 48 certified middle school teachers in an eastern North Carolina rural community provided insight about homework at the middle school level by participating in a survey. The debate about homework is ongoing and often evokes a variety of passionate responses from those on both sides of the debate. The findings in this study revealed a spectrum of homework practices throughout the five middle schools. Homework is the most widely used instructional practice, yet one that is rarely reflected upon by teachers, administrators, and district leaders. In order to support learning, teachers need to make the time to review research-based practices in order to determine implications on their own classroom practices and then apply these practices to their current instruction to ensure homework plays a beneficial role in the learning process for students. Based on the findings, this study provided research for further studies and implication for practice for district leaders, administrators, and teachers.

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