"A Study of High School Students of Military Personnel and Their Percep" by Eileen Marie Farley

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (EdD)

Committee Chair

James Palermo


This study sought to understand the unique social and emotional characteristics of the high school military-affiliated students and student perceptions about the school’s efficacy in meeting those social and emotional characteristics. To address the problem, this study looked at a high school in a rural community 20 miles outside of a large military base with a 25% military-affiliated population. The quantitative study surveyed students in the ninth and eleventh grades using a previously validated tool, the California Healthy Kids Survey, and the data were collected and analyzed by loglinear analysis. The data suggested that while the military students felt supported by the school, the school could do more to build capacity and provide community support for military-affiliated students. Specifically, the school could do more to support the highly mobile student, including the creation of a clearing house of records and the creation of a national set of graduation requirements. Also, the school could do more to support military-affiliated students by creating programs for them and hiring more military-affiliated staff.

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