"A Qualitative Inquiry into New Teacher Perceptions of Recruitment Prac" by Julian Eldridge Carter

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (EdD)

Committee Chair

Doug Eury


The purpose of this qualitative phenomenological study was to understand the lived experiences of teachers during their job searches for employment in the field of education which could inform recruiters in a rural, low-wealth LEA in southeastern North Carolina of the behaviors they need to display and the strategies they need to employ in order to hire high quality teaching candidates. The study focused on the lived experiences of 13 teachers employed in the district who were considered effective teachers by accountability measures outlined by the state of North Carolina and who had at least 2 years of experience. Research subjects (participants) participated in face-to-face, open-ended, individual interviews. The transcripts were analyzed by the researcher in order to identify themes and then target the essences of the phenomenon in order to get a better understanding of how the participants experienced their recruitment period. The results of the study indicated there were identifiable behaviors, communication methods, and marketing strategies that helped the recruits form positive perceptions of the recruiter and the organization and thus helped them make the decision to work in the low-wealth district studied.

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