"Program Evaluation: The Impact of an Elementary Afterschool Program on" by Jacquelyn Faith Jackson

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (EdD)

Committee Chair

Allen Eury


This dissertation was designed to provide an increased understanding of what is involved in providing whole child education. The researcher of this dissertation evaluated teacher awareness, changes in instructional behaviors, and the impact on culture as a result of an elementary afterschool program. All teachers were instructed to focus on their perspective in relation to providing the tenets of whole child education in the studied elementary afterschool program. Throughout this study, teachers were the primary focus implementing strategies which were specific to a rural elementary afterschool program to investigate currently utilized strategies and teacher awareness of the different tenets and components of whole child education. Research revealed a correlation of current practices and whole child tenets. A program evaluation that examined teacher awareness of the whole child and the impact of their current strategies being implemented in their elementary afterschool program was the study’s purpose. Teaching practices and the climate of the school were also part of the research study. The program evaluation was conducted through analyzing data gathered from surveys, interviews, and focus groups. An examination of the data indicated specific commonalities across the survey, interviews, and focus groups. The data from the survey indicated a high level of agreement from teachers that the elementary afterschool program met the tenets and components of whole child education. The common themes extracted from the interviews and focus groups revealed that there have been moderate changes in teacher instructional practices and low to moderate changes in the school climate and culture. While teachers frequently stated that they saw the benefits of the elementary afterschool program for the students, increased communication concerning increasing school-wide buy-in and creating a whole child education culture was stated to be a need.

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