"Program Evaluation: The Effects of a District-Led Leadership Preparati" by Tammra Bethune Reel

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (EdD)

Committee Chair

Jane King


The researcher of the dissertation evaluated a district-led school leadership preparation program using Stufflebeam's (2003) Context, Input, Process, and Product (CIPP) model for program evaluation. The study had a management-oriented approach to program evaluation because it will enable effective decision making regarding the program's design. In addition, the program evaluation took a formative approach as program characteristics were analyzed and collaboration with program participants occurred in order to determine which aspects of the Administrative Mentoring Program (AMP) were most beneficial to those directly involved.

Data for the study were obtained through the processes of a researcher-created participant survey and personal interviews with program designers. Results of the study are displayed in narrative form, tables, descriptive statistics, frequency tables, and bar charts. Results of the study include how the need for the Administrative Mentoring Program was determined, how the design of the program aligned with intended objectives, strengths and weaknesses of the program, and recommendations for program enhancement based on participant perceptions.

Based on data collected from personal interviews and survey respondents, it was determined that certain enhancements need to be made to the Administrative Mentoring Program in order to more effectively meet the leadership needs of its participants. Five recommendations were made after analysis of the data collected during the study. Upon conclusion of the study, it is suggested that AMP designers enhance and continue to offer the district-led leadership preparation program for the county's aspiring school leaders.

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