"Use of Technology and Perceived Level of Engagement with 1:1 Technolog" by William Blake Tucker

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (EdD)

Committee Chair

Kathi Gibson


This quantitative dissertation was designed to describe to the policymakers and stakeholders of School District Z the frequency of use of the 1:1 technology, the frequency of use of other technological devices by teachers and students, and the importance of 1:1 technology to student learning. District Z provided Chromebooks to each student in Grades 6, 7, and 8 during the 2014-2015 school year with the goal of harnessing the power of technology to engage students and ultimately to improve student achievement. The researcher developed a survey instrument to capture data from approximately 1,100 students 1 year after implementation of the 1:1 Technology Initiative. The survey was administered to participating students through SurveyMonkey. No personally identifiable information was collected. An analysis of the data revealed that students self-reported daily use of computers and the majority of the students believed that access to computers was important to learning. When using computers, students used descriptions such as hardworking, interested, and engaged. These data suggested that the use of 1:1 technology can be a precursor to more student engagement and enhanced student achievement.

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