"Voices of the Implementers: The Perceptions and Experiences of Educato" by Jacqueline Nicole Freeman

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (EdD)

Committee Chair

Danny Stedman


This qualitative research study was developed around the problem that teachers are resistant to change when implementing educational initiatives that are new to them. “Rather than blame teachers and ask, ‘Why do teachers resist?’ perhaps those of us who lead change should ask, ‘What can we do to make it easier for teachers to implement new practices’” (Knight, 2009, p. 508)? Research supports the need for district and school administrators to focus on strategies that positively impact change and develop successful initiation and implementation procedures. This study focused on the types of strategies identified by the teachers that facilitated and/or hindered their PBIS initiation and implementation experiences in their classrooms and schools. The prior research conducted on PBIS and the implementation of PBIS by various researchers has shown that PBIS interventions are successful when the program is implemented and all parts of the program are implemented and used as intended (Office of Special Education Programs [OSEP], 2015). The researcher used one-on-one interviews to collect teacher experiences. This allowed for the contemplation of the experiences of the teachers who are the key stakeholders in PBIS implementation in both the school and classroom settings. Martin (2013) stated that giving the teachers a voice about issues that had always been the domain of district and school administrators built trust. Once the teachers were allowed to plan and develop systems for successful implementation, they experienced greater teacher buy-in that resulted in successful implementation of the programs (Martin, 2013). The themes that were identified under the category hindrances were direct expert training, ownership/buy-in, and consistency with themes in the category of successes focused on committees, materials, and continuous improvement.

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