"Increasing Ministry Participation Through Effective Recruitment and Re" by Lyndon F. Robinson

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (EdD)

Committee Chair

Steven Bingham


For many years churches have found it to be a great challenge to staff programs and ministries, and that challenge will become greater. There are many churches that face difficulties getting people to volunteer and stay engaged volunteering. This is a critical issue for churches to figure out. Volunteering is crucial to many ministries in the church. Most ministries would not be able to function without volunteers. Increasing Ministry Participation Through Effective Recruitment and Retention was a challenge The Park Church, as other religious organizations, were facing on a daily basis.

The Park Church (as known as The Park Ministries) chose to increase ministry participation by improving the communication gaps with existing volunteers, building and maintaining strong relationships with volunteers, and streamlining the assimilation/ new member engagement process. After several surveys, interviews, and ministry observations, church leaders decided to create the Step Up Engagement Ministry. The assignment of this ministry is to improve church-wide volunteerism by recruiting volunteers for various ministry opportunities, ensuring volunteers are engaged, and retaining them while they are engaged. A strong focus was placed on those members, new and existing, who were unengaged. Minister Kimberly Morrison, Lead Engagement Support Specialist, provided leadership for this ministry.

During the time frame of this consultancy project, Lyndon Robinson (June 2016) and Randa Ross (January 2015) acted as consultants and also served as members of the Step Up Engagement Ministry. The consultants conducted surveys, interviews, and observations to collect data from stakeholders and new members. Recommendations were presented based on survey results.

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