"Increasing the Sustainability of Action Learning in the Beta Corporati" by Sheila Person-Scott

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (EdD)

Committee Chair

Jeffrey Hamilton


The Talent Development and Organization Effectiveness group of the Beta Corporation, (pseudonym), introduced action learning (AL) as an enterprise solution in 2014. The group envisioned AL would become a key leadership development lever and assumed the business leaders would embrace the opportunities associated with AL; however, it was discovered that organic embracing of AL did not happen. A few of the reasons interfering with wider adoption were

a) Clarification of AL was difficult

b) Lack of understanding between key stakeholders

c) Undefined outcomes and measures

d) Delivered solely to an exclusive audience of senior leaders

e) Shortage of AL coaches

f) Inconsistent sponsorship

g) Reallocation of resources

In order to obtain the desired outcomes an implementation plan was developed to clarify roles, identify outcomes, and establish measurements to establish AL practices as a way of thinking and operating in the day-to-day work.

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