"Back to the Basics: Building a Leadership Development Program for Stud" by Demario L. Watts

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (EdD)

Committee Chair

Jeffrey Hamilton


All higher education institutions have wonderful student leaders on their campuses. Institutions spend several thousands of dollars on students, and students spend several thousands of dollars on their student experience. During their student experience, students are able to participate in many different student organizations, where they may have an opportunity to become a leader within the organization. Each position comes with a level of responsibility and risk. As educators, it is our job to ensure that each student has a great experience and gains the basic understanding of what it means to be a student leader and a leader after graduation. While funds continue to be tight in many institutions, we need to equip our student leaders with the knowledge and skills to become successful and effective leaders within their student organizations and in careers after college. Many employers are expecting higher education institutions to prepare their students for a global society. The purpose of this consultancy project was to gain feedback and provide recommendations to begin building a basic structure for leadership development at Wofford College.

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