"Board Recruitment and Development for a Nonprofit Farmers' Market Orga" by Tammy B. Bass

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (EdD)

Committee Chair

Jeffrey Hamilton


Community nonprofit organizations operated by a Board of Directors rely heavily on the commitment and goodwill of volunteers. By 2017, Foothills Farmers’ Market (FFM), a community nonprofit organization, had experienced rapid growth in sales, grant funding, and programs while experiencing highs and lows in volunteer Board leadership. The organization needed very committed volunteer Board members who would put in the time to run the small nonprofit business that was growing quickly. Board members were becoming less committed as the demands of the organization became greater, to the point that there often were not enough Directors present to meet quorum and vote on organizational business. This consultancy project involved developing a recruiting plan, clear expectations of Board service, a Board orientation session, and a Board notebook. After 2 years, these processes and resources began to change the commitment and involvement of the Board of Directors. Incoming Board members knew what they were committing to when they were voted onto the Board. An investment of time in recruiting and onboarding paid great dividends in the quality of service provided by new Board members.

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