"Case Study of Teacher Perceptions of the Effectiveness of Their Curren" by Shavondra Danyelle Parker

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (EdD)

Committee Chair

Phillip Rapp


Traditional grading represents typical grading practices including the traditional way grades have been calculated since the conception of grades. Before traditional grading, there was a time when mastery of content was not measured by grades at all. In recent years, educators have begun to explore other methods of grading in search of better ways to determine student mastery of content. Many educators use standards-based grading methods that focus instruction and grading around the standards students are expected to learn. Although many researchers support the use of standards-based grading, it has not replaced traditional grading methods. Grading practices should yield accurate grades and should support learning. The purpose of this study was to explore teacher grading practices and teacher perceptions of effective grading practices. The researcher wanted to uncover what grading practices teachers believe are effective and what practices they currently use. This study was conducted at a secondary school that serves grades 8-12. This study was a mixed-methods study that included qualitative and quantitative methods. The researcher conducted interviews, collected records and artifacts, and had participants complete a rubric and survey about their grading practices. The data showed that some participants used traditional grading and some participants used standards-based grading. The findings revealed that teachers use effective and ineffective grading practices. The data suggested that teachers who received professional development related to effective grading practices were more likely to implement effective grading practices. It is recommended that teachers receive training and professional development related to effective grading practices.

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