"Building Bridges: Connecting to the Classics with Young Adult Literatu" by Karen Rusyniak Conner

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (EdD)

Committee Chair

Mary Roth


This study examined the effects of intertextual study using young adult literature and classic literature on both student reading attitudes and student achievement with 10th- grade high school English students in a suburban high school in North Carolina. The convergent parallel mixed methods action research study used qualitative data in the form of an anonymous survey and anonymous open-ended journal responses as well as qualitative data from achievement results on required benchmark tests. The survey results were analyzed in terms of responses, and open-ended responses were analyzed and coded for themes. Multiple themes emerged from the survey responses and open-ended journal responses, including a dislike of classic literature, a preference for young adult literature, and a lack of reading for enjoyment. Benchmark data were analyzed using paired t-tests. The results of the paired t-tests did not show a significant change in student achievement for any of the reading of literature standards tested. Recommendations for future study are given.

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