"The Impact of Teacher Working Conditions and Beginning Teacher Support" by Alfredia Moore

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (EdD)

Committee Chair

Laura Boyles


The purpose of this quantitative study was to determine the impact of beginning teacher support and teacher working conditions on the retention of beginning teachers in high poverty school districts. This study examined Title I and Low Wealth funded school districts in the southeastern quadrant of North Carolina. Preexisting data, available through the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction [NCDPI], were used to determine the possibility and extent of relationships among the variables. The four components of a beginning teacher support program are orientation, the assignment of a mentor, professional development, and observations and evaluations. The elements of teacher working conditions included in this study are time, teacher leadership, school leadership, professional development, and instructional practices and support. Results of this study suggest that mentors and school leadership have the potential to impact retention of beginning teachers. This study offers findings to local, state, and federal school leaders of the importance of supporting beginning teachers and identifying areas of support that are critical to the retention of beginning teachers.

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