"The Impact of the Gradual Release of Responsibility Professional Devel" by Elizabeth Head Danley

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (EdD)

Committee Chair

Stephen Laws


The purpose of this study was to determine the impact of the Gradual Release of Responsibility instructional framework professional development on teacher self-efficacy and the perception of its impact on student achievement. The scope of this study was a qualitative study including focus group interviews and open-ended question responses of teachers and administrators who had participated in the professional development in a rural district in the foothills of North Carolina. The methodology included focus group interviews and coding the responses from the open-ended professional development questions. The findings include teacher quotes from the transcriptions of the interviews as supporting the research found in the literature on high-quality professional development and the components of the Gradual Release of Responsibility. The conclusion reached was that teacher self-efficacy was increased in implementing the framework, and many teachers believed the implementation has increased student achievement. Limitations of this study included the researcher acted as the interviewer; the researcher was the professional development developer and deliverer. This study contributes to the information which could be useful for district and school administrators when planning for high-quality professional development for continuous school improvement.

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