"A Program Evaluation of the Degree Program for Students with Behaviora" by Gail Whisnant

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (EdD)

Committee Chair

Stephen Laws


This study used a qualitative approach to explore a rural school district’s DEGREE program through parent and staff member perspectives using Stufflebeam’s (2003) CIPP model of program evaluation. Interviews and questionnaire data provided information to answer the following research questions: 1. Context: What is the context within which the DEGREE program was developed and implemented? 2. Input: What types of academic and behavioral interventions are taught? 3. Process: How are the objectives of the DEGREE program aligned with improving student academic and behavioral goals? 4. Product: What is the impact of the DEGREE program regarding student ability to transition back into a regular school setting? Qualitative methods such as questionnaires and interviews involving the director of exceptional children, current school staff members, and parent stakeholders were used to collect data, allowing the researcher to analyze perspectives of the DEGREE program. Data from questionnaires are displayed in chart form in Chapter 4. Interview data were coded for common themes that surfaced in responses. Data from the interviews are displayed in narrative form in Chapter 4. Academic data were analyzed to include testing data and academic progress using EVAAS. Based on data from the DEGREE staff member questionnaires and interview groups, teacher respondents provided varying responses with regard to the overall effectiveness of the DEGREE program. Parent responses from questionnaires and interviews showed the DEGREE program had an overall benefit to their student. Academic data showed that students regressed academically, but DEGREE allowed students the opportunity to graduate and improve post-secondary outcomes.

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