"A Program Evaluation of an Apprenticeship Program using Stufflebeam’s " by Oai C. To


Oai C. To

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (EdD)

Committee Chair

David Shellman


This dissertation is a program evaluation of an apprenticeship program operated by Siemens Energy, Inc. in Charlotte, North Carolina. The evaluation was based on Stufflebeam’s CIPP model of context (C), input (I), process (P), and product (P). The CIPP sought to evaluate (C) current and future objectives, (I) various strategies use to achieve the objectives, (P) the implementation of the strategies, and (P) the outcome of the program. The entire model provided insight into the effectiveness of the program and provided feedback for decision making and accountability toward current and future improvement of the program (Stufflebeam, 1971). Four questions were cultivated to align with the CIPP model. The four CIPP questions were (a) Context: How are the objectives of the program matched up with the needs of Siemens and the apprentices; (b) Input: What characteristics help apprentices finish their program? (c) Process: Are the apprentices being successfully trained; and (d) Product: What was the outcome in meeting the program’s strategic plan? The research design methodology follows several pathways. Current apprentices took the online survey of the Noel-Levitz Adult Learner Inventory. They also completed the apprentice survey and were involved in a planned interview. The management team was administered a survey and was part of an interview. Other documents and data were reviewed and analyzed such as strategic plans, current and projected sales demand, applicant and apprentice information, training materials, graduation, retention, and employment information. Based on the findings of the program evaluation, the apprenticeship program is effective and accomplishing its goals. The researcher has concluded three recommendations for consideration based on the evaluation findings: provide more support for apprentices, ensure the apprentices fully comprehend the curriculum requirements and expectations for their associate’s degree, and develop a strategic plan with a mission and vision statement.

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