"Perceptions of the Impact of Quality Professional Development on the S" by Kerry Morrison

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (EdD)

Committee Chair

Bruce Boyles


It has been said that education is the key to success, and today’s youth are tomorrow’s human resources. This is the 21st century; and students, who will be the human resources of tomorrow, are being prepared for jobs that may not even exist today. Legislators, policy makers, and researchers have encouraged methods to ensure teachers deliver high quality instruction, including requiring that teachers complete specific training, possess a minimum level of content knowledge, and use curriculum materials and professional development resources available from schools and districts (Hill, Blazar, & Lynch, 2015). As a result, teachers need to be exposing students to lessons that are technologically enhanced as they prepare students for the future. This study is a qualitative analysis of a survey and interviews that seek to examine the impact of quality professional development and teacher exposure to technology on the sustainability of one-to-one computing initiatives. This study is supported by the following theories: the Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) framework and Bandura’s (1977) self-efficacy theory. This study discussed the impact of the TPACK framework and Bandura’s self-efficacy theory on the sustainability of a one-to one computing initiative. The key findings in this study were that content-driven professional development, clear expectations for technology use in classrooms, and the availability of school-based instructional coaches can impact the sustainability of a one-to-one computing initiative. As is defined by Bandura’s self-efficacy theory, teachers are more likely to implement technology in the classroom that can sustain a one-to-one computing initiative if they are confident in their ability to use technology. This study also discussed recommendations for practice that school districts can use as they sustain a one-to-one computing initiative.

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