"Program Evaluation: The Alignment of an Undergraduate Athletic Trainin" by Brandy Perdue Clemmer

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (EdD)

Committee Chair

Ron Nanney


The purpose of this study was to determine to what extent the clinical education aspect of the athletic training preparation program at a Division II university aligns with the clinical standards. The program evaluation focused on current undergraduate athletic training candidates who were officially accepted into the current athletic training program. An assessment was given to better understand the current students' perceptions of their clinical instructor. Along with current students, alumni of the athletic training program were surveyed to evaluate their readiness attitude as they entered entry-level positions in athletic training. The clinical instructors also completed an evaluation form to categorize the clinical instruction taking place in the athletic training program. Using the mixed methods approach to gather qualitative and quantitative data assisted the stakeholders in evaluating the current status of clinical instruction. This enabled the program to create a strategic plan including the establishment of long-term and short-term goals. The program evaluation enabled the stakeholders to set measurements to determine if goals and benchmarks were achieved.

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