"How Leaders Create the Conditions for Equity" by Charli Kinard, Tieshia Pickett et al.
Instructional Modules for Professional learning Responding to Opportunities and Valuing Educators (IMPROVE)



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Equity is a complex topic that encompasses many facets of leadership, education reform, and socio-economic issues. This module offers district and school leaders an introduction to equity and the conditions that create equitable school environments. The module provides educational leaders with strategies based on equity frameworks and research-based high-leverage equitable practices to implement in order to begin equity work at their sites and help teachers meet the needs of all of their diverse students. See the additional resources section at the end of this module for links to tools for assessing equity, creating action plans, and seeking support for improving the conditions that reduce opportunity and achievement gaps and establish equitable learning environments for diverse students and staff.

View professional learning module.

Publication Date



Gardner-Webb University


Boiling Springs, NC


open educational resources, equitable school environments, educational leadership, school support, action plans


Curriculum and Instruction | Education | Teacher Education and Professional Development

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Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 4.0 License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 4.0 License

How Leaders Create the Conditions for Equity
