Volume 7, Issue 2 (2022) Preparing Superintendents for North Carolina Schools: The State of the Practice
Letter from the Editors
Mitch Porter and Walter Hart Ed.D.
A Portrait of North Carolina School District Superintendents, 2000-2021
Walter Hart Ed.D., C. Steven Bingham Ed.D., Kerry Kathleen Robinson, and Jim Watson Ed.D.
Leading the Leaders: The Redesign of an EdD Program to Prepare Superintendents to Serve North Carolina Schools
Travis Lewis, Heidi Puckett, and Dan Novey
The Race to Leadership Effectiveness: A Study on School Organization for High and Low Performing Georgia Schools
Willie Batts Ed.D., Robert B. Green Ph.D., Jiri Stelzer Ph.D., William F. Truby Ph.D., Daesang Kim Ph.D., Megan Lyons Ed.D., and Kelly C. Dreger Ed.D.
Partners in Leadership: Training the Next Generation of Executive Leaders
Sherry Hoyle and Jeremy Spielman