Date of Award

Spring 2021

Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science in Nursing (MSN)

Committee Chair

Cindy Miller


Incivility and bullying in the workplace are serious problems in the nursing profession. Nurses who experience uncivil behaviors have been shown to have negative consequences to their health and well-being. Negative interactions between nurses can compromise patient care and patient safety which can result in undesirable patient outcomes. Healthcare organizations are negatively affected financially by these inappropriate behaviors which can be detrimental to the organization. The purpose of this project was to reduce or mitigate incivility in the workplace by increasing knowledge in clinical staffing relating to the issue, increase self-confidence and resilience, and improve communication so staff will be able to effectively respond to uncivil behaviors. An evidence-based practice literature review was conducted focusing on interventions to reduce and mitigate workplace incivility. The literature review supported educational intervention and cognitive rehearsal strategies along with enforcing workplace violence policy to be effective in reducing incivility, bullying, and workplace violence. An educational module including cognitive rehearsal training was developed to facilitate staff training. If this project were implemented, a pre/post survey method using the Nursing Incivility Scale could be completed to evaluate change and module effectiveness.

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