Date of Award

Spring 2021

Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science in Nursing (MSN)

Committee Chair

Kathy Williams


A rise in complications at a southeastern level one trauma center had the trauma department and performance improvement personnel looking for a cause and a solution. It was determined through data mining that the patient population that was driving certain complication cohorts above acceptable levels was the injured elderly patient admitted by the non-surgical hospitalist group. Patients admitted by this group commonly sustained a single injury, mostly hip fractures. Elderly patients are admitted by this group in efforts of successfully managing the many co-morbidities these patients typically possess with co-management by the orthopedic group to manage the injury. A meeting was conducted by trauma staff with these two service lines to discuss the complication rise. It was evident through discussion that roles and responsibilities pertaining to patient management were not clear to either group. It was determined that development of an admission guideline was critical in clearing up confusion the groups faced in efforts to decrease complications in the elderly trauma population.

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