"Collaborating, Cultivating, Connections" by Danny L. Moore

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (EdD)

Committee Chair

Steven Bingham


In 2013, Northview Middle School was seen as a focus school with the student achievement gap that had not closed within 3 years, and the main factor was the underperforming subgroups. The Black males were severely underperforming on all core subject areas and creating discipline issues within the classroom environment. At this rate, these students would mostly not graduate from school and end up in the school-to-prison pipeline.

Black male students who have not had success in the regular public schools may have low self-esteem and poor grades and may not be engaged in school; that is the reason for the professional development class. Knowledge of Black male students in the classroom by the teachers would increase that lack of self-esteem and confidence that eventually leads to discipline issues. The professional development on diversity which includes discipline issues in the classroom will result in better grades and a general positive attitude toward school.

Research has indicated that mentoring a student in school mainly improves the way the student views school. Anderson (2007) indicated that mentoring should not be treated as the key to a student’s success or demise in schools, yet it should be tested as one factor in a complex string of factors. I believe Anderson summed it up best in his research by indicating that a mentor provides support and guidance for a child or youth in his or her personal, academic, and other areas of life. With this research, we can anticipate a change with Black males throughout Hickory Public Schools. The implementation of this project would support the schools and the district with positive student achievement.

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