"Building the Foundation: Initiating Assessment Practices for North Car" by Marinda C. Bliss

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (EdD)

Committee Chair

Jeffrey Hamilton


Enrollment at institutions of higher education were tight markets with overlapping competition for the same customers in many areas. The typical undergraduate student market was an informed consumer who sought the amenities of home for their student housing. The shift for the student market placed residence hall programs in competition with one another, thus the need for timely assessment of the residence hall facilities, programs, staff, and customers to plan appropriately for the future is appropriate.

North Carolina Housing Officers, also known as NCHO, served 57 institutions in North Carolina that have residence hall programs for the promotion of idea exchange and philosophies. The Executive Council is the governing body for the organization. The purpose of this project was to create an assessment resource for the organizations to identify areas of weaknesses and assist with data collection for programs based on best practices in the field of housing. The objectives addressed the creation of assessment, consultation on assessment, programming on assessment, and the improvement of relationships in the organization. The Executive Council placed an emphasis on how they worked together as a governing body with connection to the membership and assessment related areas.

Outcomes of this project produced a stronger Executive Council who had a greater understanding of their membership population, ways to connect to membership population, and identified areas for strategic planning.

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