Instructional Modules for Professional learning Responding to Opportunities and Valuing Educators (IMPROVE) is a peer-reviewed virtual professional development resource. Modules within the resource are collaboratively authored by candidates in their final semester of coursework in the EdD in Curriculum & Instruction at Gardner-Webb University and promote positive, data-informed, sustainable change in instructional practices or organizational structures to improve student learning at the K-12 level and beyond.
The learning cycle featured in the modules in this resource is based on the STAR Legacy Cycle developed by the IRIS Center (2013); and based on the work of Dr. John Branford and colleagues (National Research Council, 2000).
Battling Burnout Zombies in High School English
Jennifer Gribben and Michelle Nelson
This PLM was created to support secondary education English teachers who are struggling to prevent student disengagement in ELA classrooms. This PLM was based on John Hattie's 10 habits. The creators of this PLM also used Explicit DIRECT Instruction and Rigorous curriculum design to ground their ideas in proven RESEARCH. This PLM will give teachers a place to find ideas and strategies to help make their classrooms a successful learning environment.
Cultural Responsibility: Whose Job Is it Anyway?
Shannon Coleman, Siobhan Cooke, Yu'Vonne James, and Elizabeth Younger
This professional learning module (PLM) on cultural responsibility in the school setting is rooted in the recognition of the importance of creating an inclusive and equitable learning environment for all students and staff. This PLM module was designed to help teachers, and those working within the school setting, understand, appreciate, and effectively address cultural diversity and its impact on students’ learning experiences.
Tools, Tips, and Tricks for Beginning Teachers
Kimberly Lilley, Regina Lineback, Brad Rhew, and Elia Spencer
Tools, Tips, and Tricks for Beginning Teachers is a professional learning module (PLM) that supports the growth and development of beginning teachers. The topics reviewed in this PLM include classroom management, collaboration, instructional strategies, and student engagement. The strategies included in this PLM are research-based and support the Beginning Teacher Standards, Professional Teaching Standards, and Beginning Teacher Standards for Science Education. As you proceed through the PLM, you will have opportunities to consider your current or planned practices in each of the focus areas and select new tools, tips, or tricks that can be applied to your classroom practices.
Blended Learning: Intentional Personalized Instruction for All
Amy W. Fonseca, Andrew McCully, Amber Tuttle, and Sheila Wright
This Professional Learning Module (PLM) was designed to support educators in learning more about Blended Learning, the related models, and information for implementing this effective, enriched, and student-driven instructional framework. Blended learning serves to combine the traditional instruction and feel of a brick-and-mortar school with online learning. This PLM reviews the four overarching models of Blended Learning: 1) rotation models, 2) the flex model, 3) the a la carte model, and 4) the enriched virtual model. The module also provides examples of Blended Learning for K-12 classrooms and covers The Blended Learning Teacher Competencies to support proper implementation. Educators, administrators, and other educational stakeholders will find this PLM helpful.
Collective Teacher Efficacy
Annie McEntyre, Stephanie Revis, Helena Vanhorn, and Gina Gold
This professional learning module (PLM) was designed for those in leadership roles in educational organizations who desire to examine the effect of collective teacher efficacy for school improvement purposes. This module defines collective teacher efficacy as it applies to educational settings and impacts student learning. School leaders will learn research-based conditions and practices that have been found to foster collective efficacy in schools. Collective Teacher Efficacy Professional Learning Module is aligned with the North Carolina Standards for School Executives, Professional Standards for Educational Leaders, and Teacher Leader Model Standards.
Deconstructing the Standards
Melissa Y. Pollard and Seon S. Sloley
The purpose of this Professional Learning Module (PLM) is to improve teacher understanding of academic standard deconstruction. We created this professional learning module to assist educators in better understanding how to deconstruct standards. In this PLM, you will find information about:
1.The need for deconstruction
2.The deconstruction process
3. Identifying learning Targets
4. Using a graphic organizer
5. Common assessments aligned to standards
We hope that both educators and district-level personnel will find this PLM instrumental in the training process of deconstructing standards. In unpacking, repacking, and organizing standards, teachers will develop a better understanding of what the standards are explicitly stating what isrequired of students academically. The deconstructing process will also give educators the opportunity to create quality assessments for students in improving mastery across content areas.
Evidence-Based Reading Interventions for Middle and High School Teachers
Brittany Evans, Beverly Hart, and MaShonda Surratt
Welcome to Evidence-Based Reading Practices. This module is designed to help middle and high school teachers intervene with struggling readers in their regular education classrooms. This module will take you approximately three hours to complete. During that time, you will learn what to do when students are missing the necessary foundational skills to become skilled readers.
Self-Mentoring: Discovering the Mentor Within
Lisa Savage and Pamela Williams
This professional learning module (PLM) was created to help educators, including classroom teachers, administrators, and instructional support staff learn about self-mentorship. The module will describe the concept of self-mentoring as a process for engaging in self-directed professional and personal growth. Districts may find it beneficial to use this PLM to train educators on how self-mentoring can be used as a leadership development tool for improving their professional and instructional practices.