Content Posted in 2020
10-Day Nutritional Assessment For 20 Year old, Active Female, Emily Dyment
10 Day Nutritional Assessment for a Female College Athlete, Ciarra Ashworth and Tori Birks
1825 - Webb Home Place, Unknown
1832 - Legal Document, Unknown
1835 - Estate Sale, Unknown
1887 - Wedding Invitation - Edna Webb Darwin, Edna Webb Darwin
1901 - G. M. Webb Wedding Anniversary Invitation, George Milton Webb Sr.
1901 - Priscilla Jane Blanton Webb Memorial, Unknown
1901 - Priscilla Jane Blanton Webb Obituary, Unknown
1910 - Webb Family Group, Unknown
1910 - Webb Family Group, Unknown
1932 - 1933, Boiling Springs College Academic Catalog, Boiling Springs College
1932 - George Milton Webb Jr Family Photograph
1933 - 1934, Boiling Springs College Academic Catalog, Boiling Springs College
1934 - 1935, Boiling Springs College Academic Catalog, Boiling Springs College
1935 - 1936, Boiling Springs College Academic Catalog, Boiling Springs College
1936 - 1937, Boiling Springs College Academic Catalog, Boiling Springs College
1938 - 1939, Boiling Springs Junior College Academic Catalog, Boiling Springs College
1939 - 1940, Boiling Springs College Academic Catalog, Boiling Springs College
1940-1941, Boiling Springs College Academic Catalog, Boiling Springs College
1943, April 12 - News clipping - George Milton Webb Jr. Funeral, Unknown
1944 - 1945, Gardner-Webb College Academic Catalog, Gardner-Webb College
1945 - 1946, Gardner-Webb Junior College Academic Catalog, Gardner-Webb College
1946 - Webb Home Place, Clarence Griffin
1947 - 1948, Gardner-Webb College Academic Catalog, The Log, Gardner-Webb College
1948 - 1949, Gardner-Webb College Academic Catalog, The Log, Gardner-Webb College
1948, January 3 - James Milton Webb - The State Magazine, Clarence Griffin
1948, March 5 - News Clipping, John Webb Cannon
1949 - Correspondence - Una Webb Oates, Una Webb Oates
1949, January 27- Telegram - Una Webb Oates, Madge Webb Riley
1950 - 1951, Gardner-Webb College Academic Catalog, Gardner-Webb College
1950 - Correspondence - Julia Mae Webb, Julia Mae Webb
1951 - 1952, Gardner-Webb College Academic Catalog, The Log, Gardner-Webb College
1952 - 1953, Gardner-Webb College Academic Catalog, The Log, Gardner-Webb College
1952, July 25 - Correspondence - Jack R. Wells, Jack R. Wells
1953 - 1954, Gardner-Webb College Academic Catalog, The Log, Gardner-Webb College
1953, July 12 - James Milton Webb The Informer, James Landrum Webb
1954 - 1955, Gardner-Webb College Academic Catalog, The Log, Gardner-Webb College
1955 - 1956, Gardner-Webb College Academic Catalog, The Log, Gardner-Webb College
1956 - 1957, Gardner-Webb College Academic Catalog, The Log, Gardner-Webb College
1956, May - News Clipping, Unknown
1957 - 1958, Gardner-Webb College Academic Catalog, The Log, Gardner-Webb College
1958 - 1959, Gardner-Webb College Academic Catalog, The Quarterly, Gardner-Webb College
1959 - 1960, Gardner-Webb College Academic Catalog, The Quarterly, Gardner-Webb College
1960 - 1961, Gardner-Webb College Academic Catalog, The Quarterly, Gardner-Webb College
1961 - 1962, Gardner-Webb College Academic Catalog, The Quarterly, Gardner-Webb College
1962 - 1963, Gardner-Webb College Academic Catalog, The Quarterly, Gardner-Webb College
1962, June 21 - James Milton Webb The Informer, First Baptist Church Shelby
1963 - 1964, Gardner-Webb College Academic Catalog, The Quarterly, Gardner-Webb College
1964 - 1964, Gardner-Webb College Academic Catalog, The Quarterly, Gardner-Webb College
1965 - 1965, Gardner-Webb College Academic Catalog, The Quarterly, Gardner-Webb College
1966 - 1967, Gardner-Webb College Academic Catalog, The Quarterly, Gardner-Webb College
1966, June 13 - James Milton Webb Cleveland Star Clipping, Glenn James
1967 - 1968, Gardner-Webb College Academic Catalog, Supplement, Gardner-Webb College
1967 - 1968, Gardner-Webb College Academic Catalog, The Quarterly, Gardner-Webb College
1968 - 1969, Gardner-Webb College Academic Catalog, Gardner-Webb College
1969 - 1970, Gardner-Webb College Academic Catalog, Gardner-Webb College
1970 - 1971, Gardner-Webb College Academic Catalog, Gardner-Webb College
1971 - 1972, Gardner-Webb College Academic Catalog, Gardner-Webb College
1971 Minutes of Kings Mountain Baptist Association, Kings Mountain Baptist Association
1972 - 1973, Gardner-Webb College Academic Catalog, Gardner-Webb College
1972 Minutes of Kings Mountain Baptist Association, Kings Mountain Baptist Association
1973 - 1974, Gardner-Webb College Academic Catalog, Gardner-Webb College
1973 Minutes of Kings Mountain Baptist Association, Kings Mountain Baptist Association
1974 - 1975, Gardner-Webb College Academic Catalog, Gardner-Webb College
1974 Minutes of Kings Mountain Baptist Association, Kings Mountain Baptist Association
1975 - 1976, Gardner-Webb College Academic Catalog, Gardner-Webb College
1975 Minutes of the Kings Mountain Baptist Association, Kings Mountain Baptist Association
1976 - 1977, Gardner-Webb College Academic Catalog, Gardner-Webb College
1976 Minutes of the Kings Mountain Baptist Association, Kings Mountain Baptist Association
1977 - 1978 (2), Gardner-Webb College Academic Catalog, Gardner-Webb College
1977 - 1978, Gardner-Webb College Academic Catalog (1), Gardner-Webb College
1977 Minutes of the Kings Mountain Baptist Association, Kings Mountain Baptist Association
1978 - 1979, Gardner-Webb College Academic Catalog, Gardner-Webb College
1978 Minutes of the Kings Mountain Baptist Association, Kings Mountain Baptist Association
1979 - 1980, Gardner-Webb College Academic Catalog, Gardner-Webb College
1979 Minutes of the Kings Mountain Baptist Association, Kings Mountain Baptist Association
1980 - 1981, Gardner-Webb College Academic Catalog, Gardner-Webb College
1980 Minutes of the Kings Mountain Baptist Assocaition, Kings Mountain Baptist Association
1981 - 1982, Gardner-Webb College Academic Catalog, Gardner-Webb College
1981 - 1982, Gardner-Webb College Graduate Academic Catalog, Gardner-Webb College
1981 Minutes of the Kings Mountain Baptist Association, Kings Mountain Baptist Association
1982 - 1983, Gardner-Webb College Academic Catalog, Gardner-Webb College
1982 Minutes of the Kings Mountain Baptist Association, Kings Mountain Baptist Association
1983 - 1984, Gardner-Webb College Academic Catalog, Gardner-Webb College
1983 Minutes of the Kings Mountain Baptist Association, Kings Mountain Baptist Association
1984 - 1985, Gardner-Webb College Academic Catalog, Gardner-Webb College
1984 Minutes of the Kings Mountain Baptist Association, Kings Mountain Baptist Association
1985 - 1987, Gardner-Webb College Academic Catalog, Gardner-Webb College
1985 - 1987, Gardner-Webb College Graduate Academic Catalog, Gardner-Webb College
1985 Minutes of the Kings Mountain Baptist Association, Kings Mountain Baptist Association
1986 Minutes of the Kings Mountain Baptist Association, Kings Mountain Baptist Association
1987 - 1988, Gardner-Webb College Academic Catalog, Gardner-Webb College
1987 Minutes of the Kings Mountain Baptist Association, Kings Mountain Baptist Association
1988 - 1989, Gardner-Webb College Academic Catalog, Gardner-Webb College
1988 Minutes of the Kings Mountain Baptist Association, Kings Mountain Baptist Association
1989 - 1990, Gardner-Webb College Academic Catalog, Gardner-Webb College
1989 Minutes of the Kings Mountain Baptist Association, Kings Mountain Baptist Association
1990 - 1991, Gardner-Webb College Academic Catalog, Gardner-Webb College
1990 Minutes of the Kings Mountain Baptist Association, Kings Mountain Baptist Association
1991 - 1992, Gardner-Webb College Academic Catalog, Gardner-Webb College
1991 Minutes of the Kings Mountain Baptist Association, Kings Mountain Baptist Association
1992 - 1993, Gardner-Webb University Academic Catalog, Gardner-Webb University
1992 Minutes of the Kings Mountain Baptist Association, Kings Mountain Baptist Association
1993 - 1994, Gardner-Webb University Academic Catalog, Gardner-Webb University
1993 Minutes of the Kings Mountain Baptist Association, Kings Mountain Baptist Association
1994 - 1995, Gardner-Webb University Academic Catalog, Gardner-Webb University
1994 - 1996, Gardner-Webb University Graduate Academic Catalog, Gardner-Webb University
1995 - 1996, Gardner-Webb University Academic Catalog, Gardner-Webb University
1995 Minutes of the Kings Mountain Baptist Association, Kings Mountain Baptist Association
1996 - 1997, Gardner-Webb University Academic Catalog, Gardner-Webb University
1996 - 1998, Gardner-Webb University Graduate Academic Catalog, Gardner-Webb University
1996 Minutes of the Kings Mountain Baptist Association, Kings Mountain Baptist Association
1997 - 1998, Gardner-Webb University Academic Catalog, Gardner-Webb University
1997 Minutes of the Kings Mountain Baptist Association, Kings Mountain Baptist Association
1998 - 1999, Gardner-Webb University Academic Catalog, Gardner-Webb University
1999 - 2000, Gardner-Webb University Academic Catalog, Gardner-Webb University
1999 - 2000, Gardner-Webb University GOAL Academic Catalog, Gardner-Webb University
1999 Minutes of the Kings Mountain Baptist Association, Kings Mountain Baptist Association
2000 - 2001, Gardner-Webb University Academic Catalog, Gardner-Webb University
2000 - 2001, Gardner-Webb University Graduate Academic Catalog, Gardner-Webb University
2000 - 2002, Gardner-Webb University GOAL Academic Catalog, Gardner-Webb University
2000 Minutes of the Kings Mountain Baptist Association, Kings Mountain Baptist Association
2001 - 2002, Gardner-Webb University Academic Catalog, Gardner-Webb University
2001 - 2002, Gardner-Webb University Graduate Academic Catalog, Gardner-Webb University
2001 Minutes of the Kings Mountain Baptist Association, Kings Mountain Baptist Association
2002 - 2003, Gardner-Webb University Academic Catalog, Gardner-Webb University
2002 - 2003, Gardner-Webb University Graduate Academic Catalog, Gardner-Webb University
2003 - 2004, Gardner-Webb University Academic Catalog, Gardner-Webb University
2003 - 2004, Gardner-Webb University Graduate Academic Catalog, Gardner-Webb University
2004 - 2005, Gardner-Webb University Academic Catalog, Gardner-Webb University
2004 - 2005, Gardner-Webb University Graduate Academic Catalog, Gardner-Webb University
2005 - 2006, Gardner-Webb University Academic Catalog, Gardner-Webb University
2005 - 2006, Gardner-Webb University GOAL Academic Catalog, Gardner-Webb University
2005 - 2006, Gardner-Webb University Graduate Academic Catalog, Gardner-Webb University
2006 - 2007, Gardner-Webb University Academic Catalog, Gardner-Webb University
2006 - 2007, Gardner-Webb University Graduate Academic Catalog, Gardner-Webb University
2007 - 2008, Gardner-Webb University Academic Catalog, Gardner-Webb University
2007 - 2008, Gardner-Webb University GOAL Academic Catalog, Gardner-Webb University
2007 - 2008, Gardner-Webb University Graduate Academic Catalog, Gardner-Webb University
2008 - 2009, Gardner-Webb University Academic Catalog, Gardner-Webb University
2008 - 2009, Gardner-Webb University Graduate Academic Catalog, Gardner-Webb University
2009 - 2010, Gardner-Webb University Academic Catalog, Gardner-Webb University
2009 - 2010, Gardner-Webb University GOAL Academic Catalog, Gardner-Webb University
2009 - 2010, Gardner-Webb University Graduate Academic Catalog, Gardner-Webb University
2010 - 2011, Gardner-Webb University Academic Catalog, Gardner-Webb University
2010 - 2011, Gardner-Webb University GOAL Academic Catalog, Gardner-Webb University
2010 - 2011, Gardner-Webb University Graduate Academic Catalog, Gardner-Webb University
2011 - 2012, Gardner-Webb University Academic Catalog, Gardner-Webb University
2011 - 2012, Gardner-Webb University Graduate Academic Catalog, Gardner-Webb University
2012 - 2013, Gardner-Webb University Academic Catalog, Gardner-Webb University
2012 - 2013, Gardner-Webb University Graduate Academic Catalog, Gardner-Webb University
2013 - 2014, Gardner-Webb University Academic Catalog, Gardner-Webb University
2013 - 2014, Gardner-Webb University Graduate Academic Catalog, Gardner-Webb University
2014 - 2015, Gardner-Webb University Academic Catalog, Gardner-Webb University
2014 - 2015, Gardner-Webb University Graduate Academic Catalog, Gardner-Webb University
2015 - 2016, Gardner-Webb University Graduate Academic Catalog, Gardner-Webb University
2018 - 2019, Gardner-Webb University Graduate Academic Catalog, Gardner-Webb University
2.3.11 - James Milton Webb Biographical Sketch, Unknown
Abiding Songs: a Special Collection of Standard Hymns and Gospel Songs, Long-Cherished and Forever Abiding. Designed to Generate Wholesome, Worshipful Services of Song Among All Organizations of the Church., Sunday School Board of the Southern Baptist Convention
Absolute and Relative Handgrip Strength Across Gender, Kinzy Hancock, Weslyn Almond, Meredith Ferguson, Brandon Thoms, and Lane Evans
Abstract of NC Wills for Amos Love and Daniel Love, P. Cleveland Gardner and J. Bryan Grimes
Academic Program Performance: An Evaluation Model for Community Colleges, Lori H. Metcalf
Accelerated Baccalaureate Nursing Students’ Perceptions of Stress, Ariel Starr Tate
A Correlational Study of Resting Metabolic Rate, Kylie Ameres, Savannah Hollifield, Courtney Kanetzke, Jordan Vitale, and Lindsey Wright
A Correlational Study of School Report Card Grades and Degrees of Poverty, Morgan V. Blanton
Aerobic Training Effects on Symptoms of Exercise-Induced Bronchoconstriction During Exercise in Young Sedentary Adults, Savannah Hollifield
African American English, School Demographics, and Literacy Achievement in Reading Recovery, Brandynne Thompson
A Grounded Theory Exploration of Teacher Grading Practices, Ingrid Rockhead
A History of the Family and Background of Mrs. Fay Webb Gardner (Mrs. O. Max Gardner), Fay Webb Gardner
Allocation of Faculty Among Nursing Programs at a Community College, Jessica Ivey MSN
Analysis of Bacterial DNA and Water Quality: Surface Water Sampling at Gardner-Webb University, Celsea Reeder
Analysis of the Volleyball Jump Serve, Molly Landry, Brandon Shull, and Kaylee Wacaster
An Analysis of the Relationship Between Principal Self-Efficacy and Collective Staff Efficacy in a Rural North Carolina School System, Douglas Ray Massengill Jr
Andrews Home Place 1 (Rutherford County, NC), Unknown
Andrews Home Place 2 (Rutherford County, NC), Unknown
Andrews Home Place 3 (Rutherford County, NC), Unknown
Andrews Home Place Description by Sue Andrews, Sue Andrews
An Evaluation of the Relationship Among North Carolina Reading Assessments, Sophia Latrell Crawford-Mapp
An Examination of Teacher Concerns Beyond the Initial Stages of a District's One-to-One Technology Adoption, Elicia Ramsey Massengill
An Investigation of the Characteristics Successful Executive Directors Perceive to be Most Important in Charter Schools, Jeremy Wayne Quick
An Investigation on Cyber Safety Awareness Among Teachers and Parents, Teresa M. Lester
Anniversary of the Battle of Kings Mountain
A Plan For Excellence: Building a Road Map For Developing a New Business Entity, Mary L. Affee
A Program Evaluation of the Degree Program for Students with Behavioral Difficulties, Gail Whisnant
A Program Evaluation of the Implementation of Personalized Learning in a Rural Elementary School, Jaime Hembree
A Qualitative Study of the Impact of Experiences of Students With Parents as their Principal, Teacher, or Coach, Lori Lynn Brownlee-Brewton
A Quantitative Study on the Effectiveness of a Rural Magnet School Versus an Urban School Magnet Program in Academic Success and Stakeholder Satisfaction, Shayera Whitfield
Articles on GW Bulldog Mascot from GW Publications, Donna Ham and Betty Staton
Assessment of Intensive Care Family Satisfaction, Jami Burnette
A Study of Rigor, Teacher Self-Efficacy, and Student Achievement in Three High Schools in a Rural School District in Eastern North Carolina, Katrina Hannon Cobb
A Study of Staff Development and Teacher Efficacy in Implementing Standards-Based Grading at the Elementary Schools in a Rural School District in North Carolina, Brayton Alan Leonhardt
A Study of Teacher Perceptions of 21st Century Student Learning in a One-to-One Instructional Environment, Laura Michelle Brooks
A Study of the Implementation of a Middle School Math Program and Student Achievement, Carla Simmons White
Basic Organizational Skills and Structure for New Nurses: The BOSS Method. Using Simulation to Teach Management and Organizational Skills, Kathy W. Locklear
Benefits of a Yoga-Based Cardiac Rehab Program, Weslyn Almond
Benjamin Franklin and Elizabeth Watson Andrews graves., Unknown
Biomechanical Analysis of Streamline and the Breakout of a Butterfly Stroke, Courtney Kanetzke and Lindsey Wright
Blockchain Technology: The Disruption and Impact to the Accounting Profession, Laine Parker
Board of Directors, Gardner-Webb University
Body Composition Changes from Strongman Training and High-Intensity Interval Training, Eddie Hellard
Body Consciousness of Clinical Staff Working in Plastic and Cosmetic Surgery Environments, Jodie Alexander
Box Step-Up Movement Analysis, Kinzy Hancock, Tori Birks, and Edin Hernandez
Bradbury's Fresh Laurels, for the Sabbath School: a New and Extensive Collection of Music and [Hymn]s, William B. Bradbury
Branched-Chain Amino Acids Supplementation in Division 1 FCS Football Players, Will Mullins
Bridging the Gap: The Success of Underprepared Students in Developmental Mathematics and Subsequent College-Level Mathematics Courses, Pamela Devone Edwards
Building Bridges: Connecting to the Classics with Young Adult Literature, Karen Rusyniak Conner
Building Synchronous Student Support Services For Asynchronous Online Programs At a Small Private Liberal Arts Institution, Carly M. Pearce
Bulldog-Caudill Scholarship, Gardner-Webb University
Bulldog Mascot Timeline, Cothenia Jolley
Butch I, Unknown
Cake and Graduate Presentation Awards, All Attendees
Cake and Prize Announcement, Dr. Sydney Brown
Campbell University Freshman Seminar: Information Literacy and Communication, Elizabeth Dobbins
Capturing the Culture of a Behavioral Health Organization, Pamela Lucas
Cardiopulmonary Measures for Submaximal Arm and Leg Ergometer Tests, Savannah Hollifield
Carol Crown for Sunday Schools, Revivals, Singing Schools, Conventions and General Use in Christian Work and Worship, James D. Vaughan
Case Managers’ Perceptions of Effective Interventions, Julia Williamson
Case Study of Teacher Perceptions of the Effectiveness of Their Current Grading Practices, Shavondra Danyelle Parker
Caudill Joins the Legacy and Cantrell Giving Societies, Gardner-Webb University
Changing CNA Perceptions of Substance Use Disorders, Frank Alagna
Charles Spurgeon Webb - Cleveland County Early Days clipping, Mamie Jones
Charles Spurgeon Webb - Clipping on Furman University Infirmary Dedication, Unknown
Charles Spurgeon Webb - Scrapbook News Clippings, Fay Webb Gardner
Childcare as an Innovative Response to Recruitment and Retention For Teachers, Tia Savage Jones
Child Care Teachers’ Knowledge of Fun Physical Activities and Healthy Food Choices For Pre-School Children, Elizabeth Gwyn
Christopher Green Love - Mexican-American War & Civil War Service, Christopher Green Love
Cleveland County Register of Deeds - Book A, Pg. 15, No. 16 (copies)ds, Unknown
Coaching Conversations: Examining Job-Embedded Professional Development Action Research Using Danielson's Framework to Develop Shared Understanding of Effective Teaching Practices, Diana Parnell Dubisky
Coaching Initiative for Beginning Teachers (BT): Lessons Learned from One District’s BT Support Program, Kathleen Brown, Monica Davis, Casey Elrod, Evan Hill, and Derrick D. Jordan
Coaching the Resistant Teacher, Mallory Bricker, Gwendolyn Johnson, and LaShaunda Plain-Mamon
Coleman's Male Choir, Robert H. Coleman and B. B. McKinney
Collegial Feedback: Navigating the Obstacles, Anna Coats, Shaunee Howard, and Kevin Ward
Community Outreach and Education Project: Hepatitis A and B Vaccines in High Risk Populations, Ellen Wright
Comparing Power and Endurance Athletes in the Wingate Test, Micah Balltzglier, Antwann McCray, Jacob Wall, and Megan Wortman
Comparing Validity of Body Composition Measuring Tools, Eric Jamison, Kira Ramsey, and Kristin Russell
Comparing Ventilatory Thresholds in Combination Trained and Untrained Healthy, College-Aged Males, Joey Henry, Will Mullins, and Austin Reames
Correspondence - 1872, April 14 - Salola McClintock Andrews, Salola McClintock Andrews
Correspondence - 1872, September 24 - Salola McClintock Andrews, Salola McClintock Andrews
Correspondence - 1873, September 2 - Salola McClintock Andrews, Salola McClintock Andrews
Correspondence - 1873 - W. P Andrews, William Perry Andrews
Correspondence - 1874, June 11 - Miss Maggie Horney - T. C. Pegram, Miss Maggie Horney
Correspondence - 1874, June 11 - Miss Mattie McLean - T. C. Pegram, Miss Mattie McLean
Correspondence - 1878, July 26 - R. Z. Johnston, R. Z. Johnston
Correspondence - 1881 - August 11 - R. B. Johnston, R. B. Johnston
Correspondence - 1886, December 3 - Flay Andrews, Flabmanico Anafesta Andrews
Correspondence - 1887, February 3 - Flay Andrews, Flabmanico Anafesta Andrews
Correspondence - 1887, May 23 - Flay Andrews, Flabmanico Anafesta Andrews
Correspondence - 1903, December 24 - Dr. J. F. Miller, Dr. J. F. Miller
Correspondence - 1903, December 25 - Livey A. Chapman, Livey A. Chapman
Correspondence - 1904, April 8 - E. Y. Webb, Edwin Yates Webb
Correspondence - 1907 - November 8 - Joseph Bostick, Eulalia Bostick Hamilton
Correspondence - 1923, May 16 - James C Elliot, James C. Elliot
Correspondence- 1931, April 28 - Mrs. J. A. Long, Mrs. J. A. Long
Correspondence- 1935, January 3 - Kansas Webb, Kansas Love Andrews
Correspondence - 1937, January 16 - Clyde R Hoey, Clyde R. Hoey and Bess Hoey
Correspondence - 1938, February 16 - Presbyterian Orphans' Home, Presbyterian Orphans' Home of the Synod of North Carolina
Correspondence - 1938, November 5 - Julius Robertson, Julius Robertson
Correspondence - 1939 - Nan Andrews, Nan Andrews
Correspondence - 1949, October 31 - Concord Baptist Bostic Family Letter, Unknown
Correspondence - 1950, June 1 - Evelyn Bostic Garrison (Fay), Evelyn Bostic Garrison
Correspondence - 1950, June 1 - Evelyn Bostic Garrison (Madge), Evelyn Bostic Garrison
Correspondence - 1951 - Lizzie Bridges Dunn, Lizzie Bridges Dunn
Correspondence - 1962, June 26 - R. E. Hamilton, R. E. Hamilton
Correspondence - Fay Webb Gardner to Clarence Griffin, Fay Webb Gardner
Correspondence - March 12, 1873 - Velle E. Andrews - T. C. Pegram, Velle E. Andrews
Correspondence - March 6, 1873 - Miss Velle Andrews - T. C. Pegram, Velle E. Andrews
Correspondence - Miss Emma Ware - T. C. Pegram, Miss Emma Ware
Correspondence - T. C. Pegram - Kansas Webb, T. Chalmers Pegram
Correspondence - Unknown Year, April 29 - Miss McConnell - T. C. Pegram, Miss McConnell
Correspondence - Unknown Year, October 2 - Julia Marshall & Kermit Chapman, Julia Marshall and Kermit Chapman
Creating a Personal Training Studio, Silje Storstrand
Creating High Performing Teams in a Professional Practice, James O. Gist
Crowns of Rejoicing for Church, Sunday-School, Evangelistic and Young People's Meetings, Charles R. Scoville and E. O. Excell
Cultivating Confidence: Creating a Flipped Classroom Environment, Hallie H. Barnett
Cyberbullying and the Middle School Adolescent: Educator Perceptions, Kalani Crognal LaFrancis
Cycle Ergometer VO2 Max Test (Male vs. Female Athlete and Male vs. Female Non-Athlete), Eric Jamison, Adonus Lee, Kira Ramsey, and Brandon Thoms
Debriefing Emergency Department Nurses During the COVID-19 Pandemic, Jessica Hailstock
Deed - 1872, November 11 - Dr. W. P. Andrews, Unknown
Deed - 1879, November 20, Unknown
Deed - 1879, November - Dr. W. P. Andrews, Unknown
Deed - 1881 - April, Unknown
Deed - 1887, February 25 - W. P. Love and Sarah & Thomas Alexander, Unknown
Deed - 1887, October 12 - W. P. Love and M. E. Love, Unknown
Deed - 1979 - November 2, Unknown
Deeds of Sale Notes, William Perry Andrews
Description Four - Poster Walnut Bed, Fay Webb Gardner
Development of an Experiential Leadership Curriculum Using The Absorb, Do, Connect Model, Sarah Norris
Did We Get It Right? A Study of Process Fidelity in the Response to Intervention Program, LaShanda Wardlow Foust
Diversity Informed Practices for Effective Family and School Communication, Shanda Jones, Joyce Patton, and Tiffani Richardson
DocStu: Creating an E-Mentoring Program to Support Current and Prospective Doctoral Students, Chelsea Cromartie
Document - 1837 - Order of Sale of Estate of Benjamin Andrews, Unknown
Document - 1891 - W. P. Love, William Putnam Love
Document - 1892, July 30 - W. P. Love, William Putnam Love
Documents - card - Kansas Love Andrews, Family of Kansas Webb
Documents - Chicora Club's Tribute - Kansas Love Andrews, Chicora Club of Shelby and Daughters of the American Revolution
Documents - church bulletin - Kansas Love Andrews, First Baptist Church of Shelby
Documents - History of the Loves - Kansas Love Andrews, Unknown
Documents - Kansas Love Andrews's Life - Kansas Love Andrews, Unknown
Documents - memorial stone record - Kansas Love Andrews, Washington Cathedral
Documents - Place Card - Kansas Love Andrews, Unknown
Documents - Recipe - Kansas Love Andrews, Kansas Love Andrews
Does Teacher Immediacy Matter? The Relationship among Teacher Immediacy, Student Motivation, Engagement, and Cognitive Learning, Jessica Rene Stilwell
Dortch's Gospel Voices no. 3, David Elijah Dortch
Dover's and Madge Webb Riley Group Photo
Dr. Andrews & Susan Ann Love, Unknown
Dr. William Perry Andrews, Unknown
Dr. William Perry Andrews Family, Unknown
Dr. William Perry Andrews - Medical School Portrait, Unknown
Dr. W. P. Andrews Homeplace 2 (Shelby, NC), Unknown
Dr. W. P. Andrews Homeplace (Shelby, NC), Unknown
Dry Needling and Hamstring Strains in Collegiate Baseball Players, Christ Clary
Early Colleges: The African American Male Experience, Adreian M. Pitts
Effectiveness of Cardiac Rehabilitation in Preventing a Second Negative Cardiac Event for 15 Years, Kaylin Schuda
Effect of 12-Week Exercise Protocol on C-Reactive Protein Levels in Young Adults, Emily Dyment
Effect of Diet Intervention on SIRT1 Regulation and Depressive Symptoms, Tori Birks
Effect of Eccentric Rehabilitation Training on Preventing Hamstring Strain Recurrences in Power Athletes, Kira Ramsey
Effect of Food Intake on RER Values During Submaximal Treadmill Exercise, Emily Dyment, Luke Beamer, Caitie Mayo, and Alin Richards
Effects of Grip Width on Bench Press 1RM in College Males, Alan Bennett
Effects of Partial Body Cryotherapy on DOMS in Hamstrings of Elderly Adults, Isabel Eigenbauer
Efficacy of a Summer Math Academy Program to Improve Student Motivation and Student Knowledge and Skills in a Rural Southeastern Community, Danielle Grier
Elementary Principals’ Knowledge of and Expectations for Specialized Literacy Professionals, Abbie Mahaffey, Zora Wolfe, and Katia Ciampa
Elementary Teacher Perceptions of Eureka Math, Lindsay Harmon Walker
Emergency Registered Nurses’ Perceptions of Workplace Violence, Margarite Elsey
Empowering Individuals in the Community: Let Your Wishes Be Known Through Advance Healthcare Planning, Elizabeth Range Parnell
Enhancing Board Governance and Engagement at the Upcountry History Museum, Jade Cox
Enhancing English Learners' Academic Resilience: A Professional Development/Learning Design Study, Mabel E Lamprea Altuve
Enhancing Teamwork in Nursing Students, Heather Rawson
Evaluation of the Implementation of a Secondary Transition Program for At-Risk Exceptional Children in Five High Schools, Karyn Lyndsey Herring
Evidence-based Interventions to Address Workplace Violence in the Emergency Department, Gari Leigh Adams
Exercise and Autism Spectrum Disorder, Savannah Hollifield and Karlee Moore
Exercise Testing and Prescription for Type II Diabetes, Eric Jamison, Adonus Lee, and Kira Ramsey
Exhibit A, William Perry Andrews
Exploring a Rural School District’s Freshman Academy Program through Parent and Staff Member Perspectives, Dustin Morehead
Exploring Medical-Surgical Nurse Turnover and Stratagies, Amber D. Weaver
Exploring Nurse Stress, Andrea Butler
Exploring Patterns of Health-Promoting Lifestyles of Academic Nurse Educators, Tracy Campbell
Exploring the Impact of Feedback on Learning Transfer in the Liminal Space for Information Literacy, Natalie Edwards Bishop
Exploring the Influence of Gender, Race, and Academic Rank on Faculty Bullying in Counselor Education, Adrianne L. Johnson
Fan Fiction in the English Language Arts Classroom, Kristen Finucan
Fay Webb Gardner Collection - Andrews and Love Families, Fay Webb Gardner
Filling the Reading Void: Studying Reading Stamina in a Rural High School through Action Research: A Companion Research Study, Meredith Eubanks Lynch
Filling the Reading Void: Studying Reading Stamina in a Suburban High School through Action Research: A Companion Research Study, Lindsey Weycker
Final Interview, Gardner-Webb University Office of Marketing and Web Communications
Flay DeWitt Quinn, Sr Portrait 1, Unknown
Flay DeWitt Quinn, Sr Portrait 2, Unknown
FLIE (Future Leaders In Education), Jacqueline J. Norton
French and Spanish Teacher Experiences in Teaching Middle and High School Students in One North Carolina School District: A Mixed-Methods Study, Maguy Techer Yancey
From Student Engagement to Student Empowerment, Gail D. Gallman and Kelsey J. Gibson
From the Beginning: A Start to End Analysis of a Beginning Teacher Program, Andrea M. Anderson
Gardner-Webb, The Magazine 2019, Fall (Volume 54), Noel T. Manning II
Genealogy Chart - Blanton Family, Fay Webb Gardner
Genealogy Chart - Charles & Burwell Blanton Families, Unknown
Genealogy Chart - Hamrick Family, Fay Webb Gardner
Genealogy Notes - Andrews Family, Unknown
Genealogy Notes - Andrews Family (Fay Webb Gardner), Fay Webb Gardner
Genealogy Notes - Andrews Family (W. P. Andrews), William Perry Andrews
Genealogy Notes - Benjamin Cleveland Andrews Decendants (Fay Webb Gardner), Fay Webb Gardner
Genealogy Notes - Blanton Family, Gill Gordon and Egbert Jones Mrs
Genealogy Notes - Blanton Graves at Webb's Ford in Ellenboro, NC, Fay Webb Gardner
Genealogy Notes - Blanton, Hamrick, & Bridges Families, Fay Webb Gardner
Genealogy Notes - Bostic Family, Unknown
Genealogy Notes - Bridges & Blanton Family 1, Fay Webb Gardner
Genealogy Notes - Bridges & Blanton Family 2, Fay Webb Gardner
Genealogy Notes - Bridges Blanton Family 3, Fay Webb Gardner
Genealogy Notes - Elizabeth Watson and Benjamin Andrews, Unknown
Genealogy Notes - Gravestone Transcriptions for Love Family Members, Unknown
Genealogy Notes - Hamrick Family, Fay Webb Gardner
Genealogy Notes - Hans George Hamrick (Hamerick), Unknown
Genealogy Notes - Harrill Family Vest, Fay Webb Gardner
Genealogy Notes - Houston Harrill Children, Fay Webb Gardner
Genealogy Notes - James Milton Andrews, Fay Webb Gardner
Genealogy Notes - Love Family, Fay Webbq Gardner
Genealogy Notes - Lt. Col. David Dove and Jean Blewett Love, Unknown
Genealogy Notes - "Other Watson Men" notes by Fay Webb Gardner, Fay Webb Gardner
Genealogy Notes - Pheobia Margaret Bridges Blanton, Fay Webb Gardner
Genealogy Notes - Priscilla Jane Blanton & Siblings, Fay Webb Gardner
Genealogy Notes - Samuel Harrill Children, Fay Webb Gardner
Genealogy Notes - Samuel Love Estate and Family, Unknown
Genealogy Notes - Samuel Osborn Andrews, Fay Webb Gardner
Genealogy Notes - Summary of Love Family in NC with letter from P. Cleveland Gardner, P. Cleveland Gardner
Genealogy Notes - Summary of State & County Records on the Love Family in VA, unknown
Genealogy Notes - Watson Family Births & Deaths (Dr. W. P. Andrews), William Perry Andrews
Genealogy Notes - Watson Family (Ruth Amanda Watson), Ruth Amanda Watson
George Milton Webb Jr. Family Photograph
George Milton Webb - Portrait 1, Unknown
George Milton Webb - Portrait 1, Unknown
George Milton Webb - Portrait 2, Unknown
George Milton Webb - Portrait 2, Unknown
George Milton Webb Sr. - Home place Marion St Shelby, Unknown
George Webb Home Place, Marion St, Shelby, Unknown
Glad News no. 2: a Collection of Sacred Songs, Both New and Old, for the Church, the Sunday-School, the Revival Meeting, the Singing School, the Singing Convention, and All Kinds of Religious Work and Worship, George W. Bacon, W. N. Cook, and Alfred E. Helton
G. M. Webb Family Bible Pages, Fay Webb Gardner
Golf Swing Analysis, Micah Balltzglier, Zach Lovelace, and Eddie Hellard
Golf Swing Analysis, Eddie Hellard, Zach Lovelace, and Micah Balltzglier
Gospel Hymns nos. 1 to 6, Ira D. Sankey, James McGranahan, and George Coles Stebbins
Gospel Hymns Nos. 1 to 6, Ira D. Sankey, James McGranahan, and George Coles Stebbins
Gospel Hymns, nos. 5 and 6 Combined: for Use in Gospel Meetings and Other Religious Services, Ira D. Sankey, James McGranahan, and George C. Stebbins
Gospel Praise no. 3: Revival Songs, A. A. Haggard
Graduate Nurses’ Perceived Confidence in Clinical Competence, Jennifer Dobbins
Gratitude Journaling as Intervention to Combat Nurse Burnout in Cardiac Surgery Intensive Care Nurses, Melinda Simpson
Growing a Gritty Culture: A Grounded Theory Study, Andrea Lee Meyer
Hallelujahs for Sunday-Schools, Singing-Schools, Revivals, Conventions, and General Use in Christian Work and Worship, James D. Vaughan
Hand Grip Strength as a Determinant for Upper Extremity Strength, Adonus Lee, Antwann McCray, Tia Howell, and Zach Lovelace
Heavenly Echoes no. 2: for Sunday Schools, Singing Schools & Social Gatherings, John B. Vaughan
Heroes in the Midst of Gods: A Narratological Study of Heroes and the Divine in Mesopotamian, Greco-Roman, and Abrahamic Otherworldly Journeys, Zachary James Dey
Hosannas for Sunday-Schools, Conventions, etc., and General Use in Christian Work and Worship, Samuel W. Beazley
How Functional Movement Screening Scores Correlate to Y-Balance Scores, Morgan Laird, Austin Billiot, Eddie Hellard, and Alan Bennett
How Grip Strength and ROM Affect Wrist Injuries in Gymnast, Alin Gabriel Richard
How Leaders Create the Conditions for Equity, Charli Kinard, Tieshia Pickett, and Anastasiya Shchetynska
Hugh Watson & Isabella Caulder Family Tree, Fay Webb Gardner
I A Sociology Presentation 1: Jealousy-Based on George Simmel, Corinna Wiegand
I A Sociology Presentation 2: The Mindset of Individuals in Achieving Happiness in Today’s Society, Estephani Juarez
I A Sociology Presentation 3: Our Materialistic World, Cassidy Van Houten
I A Sociology Presentation 4: A Global Awareness and Multi-disciplinary Integrated Unit in a Middle Grades Mathematics Classroom, Taylor Hildebrand
I B Alpha Chi Collaboration -- The People’s Princess, Gone Too Soon, Madeline Bame, Makayla Fewster, Olivia Simmons, Samantha Wilkie, and Avery Woods
I C Natural Sciences Presentation 1: Analysis of Bacterial DNA and Water Quality: Surface Water Sampling at Gardner-Webb University, Celsea Reeder
I C Natural Sciences Presentation 2: Comparison of Sampling Methods to Estimate Worm Populations in a University Composting System, Hunter Stanton Warren
I C Natural Sciences Presentation 3: The Impact of the Skin Microbiome in Skin Diseases, Jennifer Jackson
I C Natural Sciences Presentation 4: The Advancements in Arthroscopic ACL Reconstruction Surgery, Lauren Klepper
Identifiable Factors That Influence Teacher Retention in Four Title I Middle Schools: A Multiple-Case Study, Adair Blanton McKay
I D Psychology and Deaf Studies Presentation 1: Using Therapeutic Photography Techniques in Increasing the Well-Being of College Students, LeeAnne Tourigny
I D Psychology and Deaf Studies Presentation 2: The Role of Faith in Post-Traumatic Events, Cary Pou
I D Psychology and Deaf Studies Presentation 3: Emergency Preparedness for the Deaf, Linda Gelzer
II A Sigma Tau Delta Roundtable -- Gender Horizons: Exploring Gender Studies in the 21st Century, Caroline Sloan, Callie West, Samantha Wilkie, and Morgan Bennett
II B Health Presentation 1: Popliteal Artery Entrapment Syndrome, Lauren Bishop
II B Health Presentation 2: An Investigation Into the Accuracy of Optical Wrist-Worn Devices at Quantifying Heart Rate, Energy Expenditure, and VO2peak in the Wheelchair Bound Population, Christopher "Micah" Balltzglier
II B Health Presentation 3: Examining the Relationship Between Nursing Students’ Test Anxiety and Psychosocial Well-Being, Allyson Harris
II C History and Political Science I Presentation 2: Plight of At-Risk Youth in America, Tremayne Booker
II C History and Political Science I Presentation 3: Effect of Gender on 2017 House of Commons Elections, Abigail Grace Love
II D Music, Philosophy, and Communications Presentation 1: Temperamental Temperament, Cameron Walters
II D Music, Philosophy, and Communications Presentation 2: Rand’s Rationale in Favor of Ethical Egoism, Grace Pisel
II D Music, Philosophy, and Communications Presentation 3: A Look Into The Kennedy Curse, Bridgette Turner
III A English I Presentation 1: Females in Fantasy Literature: A Past-ism, Hannah Joy Wermuth
III A English I Presentation 2: Benefits of Fanfiction in Writing and Mental Health, Andrew Bounds
III A English I Presentation 3: Schizophrenia and “The Tell-Tale Heart”, Anna Grace Jones
III B Religious Studies Presentation 1: The Babylonian Exile and God’s Presence: A Trauma Studies Approach, Emily Rhew
III B Religious Studies Presentation 2: Making Atonement, Clint Mooney
III B Religious Studies Presentation 3: Selling the Needy for Sandals: Winners and Losers of Ancient and Modern Economies, Abigail Hackworth
III B Religious Studies Presentation 4: Cultural Metaphors in Biblical Interpretations, Madilyn Nash
III C History and Political Science II Presentation 1: Analysis and Proposal for the United Nations Goodwill Ambassadors Program, Abigail Grace Love
III C History and Political Science II Presentation 3: The Historiography of Barbie, Callie West
Immanuel's Praise, Charles M. Alexander, J. Fred Scholfield, and George C. Stebbins
Impact of a Bullying Prevention Program at a Southern Middle School, Shannon Elizabeth Fischer
Impact of Cheerleading on Postsecondary Career and College Readiness in a Rural Community, Rikki Baldwin
Impact of Language Program Model on Third-Grade English Language Learners’ Proficiency in Literacy, Alecia Roberts
Impact of Teacher Morale and School Culture on Student Achievement, Meredith Bost
Implementation of Shared Governance and its Impact on Shared Decision Making, Jennifer Vigodsky
Implementing SAFEPLAN: A Communication Template for Emergency Nurses Caring for Psychiatric Patients, Michele Leigh Rudisill
Importance of Linking Mental Health and Physical Recovery in Females, Lauren Deaver
Improving Nurses’ Confidence in Early Identification of Sepsis, Kristi Brawley
Improving Nurse-to-Nurse Handover Through Implementation of Standardized SBAR, Russell Coleman
Improving Professionalism in New Graduate Nursing Behavior, Debra Brendley
Improving Therapeutic Relationships among Psychiatric Nursing Staff and Adolescent Patients, Carla Kay Cozart
Inclusion: A Sense of Belonging, Judith Mills, Pamela Moore, and Alisha Privette
Initiating Change: An Investigation of Elementary Educators' Perspectives For Implementing STEM Innovation, Jodie Leean Witherspoon
Introduction to Research in Biology (Cell & Molecular BIO 150), Jessica L. Swaringen
Introduction to Research in College Composition, Jessica L. Swaringen
Investigating Compassion Fatigue in Medical-Surgical Nurses, Tammy Darlene Shepherd
James Landrum Webb - Portrait 1
James Landrum Webb - Tribute to Portrait
James Milton Andrews, Unknown
James Milton Webb, Unknown
James Milton Webb Historical Records Survey, Anson G. Melton
James Milton Webb - Home Place Rutherford County, NC, Unknown
James Nall Graduate Marketing Award, Gardner-Webb University
Journey to the Bedside: A Quality Improvement Project to Implement Bedside Report Utilizing Watson's Theory of Human Caring, Rhonda Jones
Judge James Landrum Webb - House
Judge James Landrum Webb - Photo of Grave 2
Judge James Landrum Webb - Photo of Grave at Sunset Cemetery
Judge James Landrum Webb - Portrait 2, W. E. McArthur
Judge James Landrum Webb - Portrait 3
Judge James Landrum Webb - Young Portrait
Jumping and Stabilization Techniques in Collegiate Athletes with and without Genu Varum, Jacob Wall
Kan In Don Nah (All Are Welcome Here): A Framework for Developing Intercultural Worship Practice at First Chin Baptist Church of New Bern, North Carolina, Janice Daynette Snead
Kinematic Analysis of the Volleyball Swing Block, Maya Jeffcoat-Troy and Sam Kane
Kinesiology of a Baseball Swing, C.J. White, Brody Rollins, and Jack Hoey
Kinesiology of the Throwing Motion of a Quarterback, Caleb Bissette, Will Mullins, and Lane Evans
Knee Angles During a Walking Gait Analysis, Savannah Hollifield and Karlee Moore
Land Grant - 1863, Unknown
Land Record Notes 1825 - 1837, Unknown
Land Survey Notes, Unknown
Layout Movement Analysis, Lauren Bishop, Chris Clary, and Anna Henderson
Leadership Styles of Superintendents in the Developmental Disability System in Ohio, Kristine Hodge EdD and Karen H. Larwin Phd
Leading for Social Justice: a call to action to improve society., Teresa L. G. Warner
Legal Document - 1837 - Letter of Administration of Benjamin Andrews Estate, Unknown
Letter from Editor, Jim Palermo
Letter from Guest Editor, Steven Bingham
Letter from the Editor, Jim Palermo
Letter from the Editor, Mitch Porter
LOTS-MC Best Presentation and Best Paper Prize, Gardner-Webb University
Lowering the Anxiety Level of the Participants of The First Baptist Church, Morganton, NC, Tyler P. Roach
Lunch and Plenary Speaker, All Attendees
Lunch and Plenary Speaker, Dr. William Downs
MACK (1960s) Basketball Portrait, Unknown
MACK (2018) New Student Orientation, Kevin Dale Bridges
MACK (2020) Masked for COVID019, Kevin Dale Bridges
MACK the Bulldog, Natlaie Edwards Bishop
MACK the Bulldog 2, Natalie Edwards Bishop
MACK the Bulldog Mural at Bulldog QuikSnak, Ed Williams
Mac & Lula Homecoming (2013), Ryan Gunter
Mac the Bulldog (2016), Mark Houser
Mac the Bulldog (2016), Gardner-Webb University
Madge Webb Riley & Edwin Jr. Webb
Madge Webb Riley & Fay Webb Gardner
Madge Webb Riley - Group photo with Women
Madge Webb Riley & Kansas Andrews Webb
Madge Webb Riley - Madge with a Horse
Madge Webb Riley - Madge with friend
Madge Webb Riley, O. Max Gardner Jr., and Sara Mull Gardner
Magazine Clipping - 1959 The State Magazine, Bill Sharpe
Magazine Clipping - Early Courts of NC - R C Lawrence, R. C. Lawrence
Manual Therapy on the Recovery from FAI and Hip Labral Tear, Austin Reames
Marketing Award, Gardner-Webb University
Marriage Register from Cleveland County Register of Deeds - Andrews, Cleveland County Register of Deeds Office
Mastery Learning: A Mixed-Methods Study of Teacher Efforts Implementing Key Components of the Mastery Learning Framework, LaShay Conley
Measuring the Value of Guided Preparation on the Worship Experience at First Baptist Greenville, SC, Matthew Rollins
Mechanics of Ball Striking, Kylie Ameres, Kayla Curatolo, and Jordan Vitale
Mental Health Concerns in African American Churches: Pastoral Preparedness in Counseling, Melody Samuel
Middle School Parent Involvement: Perceptions in Two South Carolina School Districts, Jessica VanValkenburgh
Middle School Teacher Perspectives toward Classroom Practices and Groupings of Academically Gifted Students, Bethany Settlemyre
Minister as Mentor: A Biblical Model for the Preparation of a Mentoring Ministry at First Baptist Church in Reidsville, North Carolina, Thomas Leroy Barksdale II
Money Order - 1798, May 9th, James Ingram Love
More Than Growth? A Study of the Additional Functions of Growth Hormone in the Human Body, Damien Chance Hutchins
Movement Analysis Of A Box Jump, Kaylin Schuda and Morgan Murphy
New Baptist Hymnal: Containing Standard and Gospel Hymns and Responsive Readings, Sunday School Board of the Southern Baptist Convention
New Melodies: a Collection of Sacred Songs for All Purposes, George W. Sebren, A. B. Sebren, S. H. Sebren, and C. J. Hamrick
New Nurse Graduate Mentoring: An Early Implementation Program, Stacy Inman
New Perfect Praise for Sunday-Schools, Singing-Schools, Revivals, Conventions and General Use in Christian Work and Worship, James D. Vaughan
News Clipping - 1903 -Report of death of W. P. Andrews, Unknown
News Clipping - 1948 - Cleveland County Early Days Column, Mamie Jones
News Clipping - 1953, April 15 - DAR Sponsors Home Tour; Many Go on Historic Home Tour of Rutherford, Unknown
News Clipping - 1953, January 11 - Samuel Andrews Home of North Brittain Surrounded by Revolutionary Tradition, Clarence Griffin
News Clipping - 1954 Hamrick Family, Lee B. Weathers
News Clipping - 1955, May 10, Unknown
News Clipping - 1958 Hamrick Family, Unknown
News Clipping - 1962, May 17 - Restored Andrews Home to be Opened to Public Next Sunday, Glenn James
News Clipping - 1972 Hamrick Family, Pam Lattimore
News Clipping - Beam Reunion on Thursday, Unknown
News Clipping - Beam Will Have Annual Meet August 15, Unknown
News Clipping - Christopher Green Love, Unknown
News Clipping - Cleveland County Early Days - James Love's Grant to the City of Shelby, Mamie Jones
News clipping - George Milton Webb Jr, Unknown
News Clipping - James Ingram Love Portrait and Sword, Unknown
News Clipping - Rutherford History Tour Set Saturday, Unknown
News Clippings - 1904 - Death of W. P. Andrews, Unknown
News Clippings - Flay Andrews, Unknown
News clippings - James Milton Webb Scrapbook, Fay Webb Gardner
News Clippings - Salola Andrews, Unknown
News Clipping - Undated, Cleveland County Early Days Column, Mamie Jones
News Clipping Undated Hamrick Family, Unknown
News Clipping - Undated - "The Survey; Needed Deeds", Unknown
Newspapers - 1937, October 12 - Mrs. J. L. Webb is Complimented on 81st, Mrs. Renn Drum
Newspapers - 1938, February 15 - Mrs. J. L. Webb 81 Dies Here, Shelby Daily Star
Newspapers - 1938, February 16 - Mrs. Webb Rites Held Here Today, Shelby Daily Star
Newspapers - 1938, February 17 - Today's Small Talk, Mrs. Renn Drum
Newspapers - Lorena, Unknown
Newspapers - Miss Madge Funderburke, Unknown
Newspapers - Mrs. Webb Stricken With Paralysis Here, Unknown
Newspapers - Old Residences Retain Beauty, Unknown
Non-Psychiatric Nurse Self-Efficacy with Suicidality after an Educational Intervention, Nadin E. Knippschild
Nurse Manager Job Satisfaction and Retention, Ivy Renee Morton
Nurse Manager Leadership Styles, Tristy Morrison
Nurses and Evidence-Based Practice, Alyson Leann Toney
Nurturing Potential: The Impact of Talent Development on Underrepresented Gifted Populations, Sara Newell
Nutritional Analysis of a Female College Athlete, Will Mullins and Austin Reames
Nutritional Analysis of Endurance Athlete, Alin Richard, Zach Lovelace, and Taylor Ruppe
Nutrition Assessment Project On College Student, Larry Digue
Ocean Grove Christian Songs, J. A. Fitzgerald, Charles H. Yatman, and Tali Esen Morgan
Old Fashioned Revival Hour Songs, Charles E. Fuller, Leland H. Green, and William MacDougall
Opening Remarks, Dr. David Yelton, Dr. June Hobbs, Ms. Holly Mabry, Dr. Don Caudill, and Dr. Shea Stuart
Opening Remarks, Dr. David Yelton, Dr. June Hobbs, Ms. Holly Mabry, and Dr. Shea Stuart
Parental Involvement and Access: A Phenomenological Study of Urban High School Communities, Jared Thompson
Parental Involvement in Middle School: The Parent's Perspective, Brittany D. Orange
Parent Magnet School Choice in a Large Urban School District, Catherine Diane Payne
Perceived Confidence Levels of NC School Nurses with Emergency Preparedness, Gina Mace Greene
Perceived Effects of Faith Community Nursing on Quality of Life and Overall Health, Vicie Renee Rutherford
Perceptions of Co-teaching in Secondary Inclusion Classrooms, Tori Hill
Perfection: The Fatality of Down Syndrome, Mallory Baucom
Photograph - Attie M. Holman Bostick, Unknown
Photograph - Wilburn Andrew Bostick (1), Unknown
Photograph - Wilburn Andrew Bostick (2), Unknown
Photograph - Wilburn Andrew Bostick (3), Unknown
Physicians License - 1806, July, John B. Weaver
Pilot Hymns: Published for Use in the Worship Hour, Sunday School, Evangelistic Services, Young People's Meetings, and All Christian Religious Exercises, Robert H. Coleman
Postpartum Depression in Military Mothers:Active Duty and Partners of Active Duty Service Members, Amanda Willis
Post Title IX Representations of Professional Female Athletes, Emily Shaw
Praise Divine for Sunday-Schools, Revivals, Singing Schools, Conventions, and General Use in Christian Work and Worship, James D. Vaughan
Preparing Ambulatory Care Leaders for Service: Onboarding to Mentorship, Kara Simpson
Preparing North Carolina Principals for Trauma-Sensitive Leadership, Tawannah G. Allen, Anthony Jackson, Dustin Namath Johnson, and Derrick D. Jordan
Prevalence of Eating/Body Disorders in Female Athletes, Aaryn Fleming
Prevention and Alleviation of Patient Emotional Harm, Yolanda Neal
Program Changes for Gifted Students and the Impact on Collaborative Efficacy, Trevor J. Putnam
Program Evaluation of The Leader in Me in a Rural Elementary School with Emphasis on Hispanic Students, John Shepard
Qualitative Analysis of Adult Perceptions of Their K-12 Grade Retention, Helena Sibyl King
Quality Improvement of the Extended Antibiotic Infusion Administration Process, Patricia Averre
Quintina Quillania “Quill” Andrews Quinn, Unknown
Ready or Not: An Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis of Early College Graduates’ First-Year Experiences, Jennifer Elizabeth Wilson
Receipt of Purchase for $8.oo, Unknown
Receipt - Unknown, April 12, James Ingram Love
Regeneration of Teeth and Periodental Tissues Using Stem Cells, Joshua A. McKoy
Registered Nurses’ Attitudes Towards Complementary and Alternative Medicine in Patients’ Healing, Chidozie Ibe
Registration, All Attendees
Registration, All Attendees
Responsive Classroom: A Mixed Methods Study of the Impact on Academic Achievement and Social Skills, Amy Hildenbrand
Restorative Practices: An Introduction to a Positive, Research-Based Alternative to a Punitive Discipline System, Mindy Duckworth, Bianca Jeffries, and Kelli Passmore
Rising Star Award, Gardner-Webb University
Risk Benefit Analysis of Treatments for Cystic Acne, Callie Elliott
Robertson - Genealogical Foundation, Unknown
Roebuck (2015), Gardner-Webb University
Roebuck (2018), Gardner-Webb University
Roebuck (2019), Kim Kreuzman
Salola "Clint" McClintock Andrews Funeral Sermon, Unknown
Salola McClintock Andrews, Unknown
Samuel Osborn Andrews Will - hand copied by Jean Andrews from Rutherford County Court House, Unknown
Sander's Plat, William Perry Andrews
Scrapbook Page - James Ingram Love, Fay Webb Gardner
Scrapbook Page - Salola McClintock Andrews, Fay Webb Gardner
Scrapbook Pages - Bridges - Blanton Family & Homeplaces, Fay Webb Gardner
Screen Time Effects on Pediatrics, Lindsay Michelle McCracken
Seeking Significance: An Ethnographic Study of Teacher-Led Professional Experiences and its Impact on Efficacy, Bonnie Coleman Bolado
Service Learning Award, Gardner-Webb University
Session III Nursing, Business, and Psychology/Counseling Presentation 2: A Ten-Year Review of Female Entrepreneurship, Cindy Trevisan
Session II Nursing Presentation 1: Stall the Fall, Erin Montgomery
Session II Nursing Presentation 2: Postpartum Depression Awareness in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit for Nurses: An Education Process, Lolita B. Bryant
Session II Nursing Presentation 3: Enhancing Nursing Knowledge on Patient Hand Hygiene: Implementing Protocols, Phyllis K. Buie
Session II Nursing Presentation 4: Reducing Nurse Burnout: Embracing Self Care, Catherine L. Lingle
Session I Religious Studies and Education Presentation 2: The Dangers of Conflating Church and State as Shown in History, Austin Childress
Session I Religious Studies and Education Presentation 3: The World Turned Upside Down: Paul’s idea of the Christian Church in Acts, Holly Strother
Session I Religious Studies and Education Presentation 4: The Effectiveness of Project-Based Learning on Students’ Creativity and Mathematics Achievement within the Requirements of 21st-Century Learning, Anastasiya Shchetynska
Simulation Impact on Medication Administration Safety: A Simulation Quality Improvement Project, Stacy Simpson
Simulation Outside the Silo: Allied Health Interprofessional Education Day to Improve Patient Outcomes, Eva Huneycutt Whitley
Sketches of the Life of J. T. Beam, and his fifteen children, A. R. Beam
Songs of Faith: Prepared to Meet the Popular Demand for Practical Selections of the Very Best Standard Hymns and Gospel Songs for All Religious Meetings Such as Church, Sunday School, B. Y. P. U., Prayer Meetings, Revivals, Assemblies and Other Occasions, Sunday School Board Southern Baptist Convention
Source Evaluation for Financial and Career Readiness: Information Literacy Concepts in Everyday Life, Kelsey Chandler
Staff Nurses’ Perception of Standardized Bedside Shift Report and Safety Assessment, Lara Scarborough
Standing Javelin Throw, Carley Plentovich, Petra Jkeljic, and Chris Tobin
Statements from Deeds of the W. P. Andrews Property, Unknown
Staying Put: An Analysis of Teacher Retention in a Rural, Low-Performing, High-Poverty School District in Northeastern North Carolina, Lakesia Boone
Student and Teacher Perceptions of Multiliterate Assignments Utilizing 21st Century Skills, Jessica Kennedy Miller
Student Perception of Blended Course Activities, Valerie Bailey
Student Perceptions of Teacher Cultural Sensitivity and its Impact on Student Achievement, Mandalinn Marie Browning
Students with Learning Differences from College STAR: A Case Study, Haley Nulty
Submaximal Exercise Performance In Fasted vs. Non-Fasted Individuals, Tia Howell, Kaylin Schuda, Morgan Murphy, and Zach Lovelace
Suicidal Risk Education in Hospice Care, Shannon Jones
Supporting Professional Development Through Digital Principal Leadership, William Sterrett and Jayson W. Richardson
Supporting Self-Efficacy Through After-School Progamming, Rene' J. Alford
Sursum Corda: a Book of Praise, E. H. Johnson and E. E. Ayres
Systemic Bias in Public Education: The Exception of African American Males Enrolled in Gifted and Advanced Placement Courses, Luther Johnson EdD and Karen H. Larwin PhD
Tabernacle Hymns Number Five: a Treasury of Carefully Selected Hymns, Songs, and Responsive or Unison Readings for Use in All Religious Services of the Church, Sunday School and Home, Tabernacle Publishing Co.
Teacher Perceptions of Formative Assessments on Student Learning in K-12 Classrooms, Stacey Robinson
Teacher Preparation Programs and Motivation Strategies for Student Achievement in Select Elementary Schools, Sharonne Denise Simmons
Teaching Adult Learners Knowledge About Care Transition (TALK-ACT): A Quality Improvement Project to Promote Nursing Communication, Tammy D. Trivette
Teaching Nursing Students to Communicate with Older Adults, Lena Moffitt McEachern
Telehealth Education and Training for School Nurses, Billie C. Walker
Temple Bells: for Sunday-Schools, Singing-Schools, Revivals, Conventions and General Use in Christian Work and Worship, James D. Vaughan
Ten Day Nutritional Assessment, Kaylin Schuda, Weslyn Almond, and Kinzy Hancock
The Alfred and Shirley Wampler Caudill Endowed Fund, Gardner-Webb University
Theater Awards, Gardner-Webb University
The Baptist Hymnal, for Use in the Church and Home, American Baptist Publication Society
The Best Standard Songs for Sunday Schools Social Worship and Young People's Meetings, R. H. Pitt and George A. Minor
The Biomechanics of the Overhead Volleyball Serve, Emily Dyment
The Case for Mandatory Literacy Training for Elementary Education Principals, Catherine McGeehan and Meganlyn Norris
The Correlation Between Mushroom Management Approach and School Leadership Behavior of School Administrators Based on Teacher Perceptions, Gönül ŞENER and Seda GÜNDÜZALP
The Difference in Maximal Voluntary Ventilation in Trained Persons and Untrained Persons, Tori Birks, Emily Bailor, Maya Jeffcoat, and Callie Rhea
The Donny Awards, Gardner-Webb University
The Effectiveness of Ankle Braces on Functional Movement Screening and Ankle Joint Range of Motion on Collegiate Division I Volleyball Players, Maya Jeffcoat-Troy
The Effect of Individualized Nurse Report Cards and Unit Case Reports on the Awareness and Attitudes of Nurses towards CLABSI Contributing Factors, Shannon K. Hawkins
The Effect of Nutritional Status on the Presence of Lower-Extremity Stress Fracture in Young Vocational Dancers, Kinzy Hancock
The Effect of Standing-Desks on Productivity in Obese Populations, Lindsey Wright
The Effect of Training and Recognition on Nursing Assistant Retention in Acute Care Settings, Rachael Austin Swann
The Effects of an Aerobic Exercise Program on Strength and Quality of Life in Lower-Leg Amputees with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, Kristin Russell
The Effects Of Caffeine On Early Second Half Sprint Performance In NCAA DIII Women’s Soccer Players, David J. Granniss, Jessica W. Chow, Daniel A. Jaffe, Kristin M. Cannon, Jessica C. Brown, Deborah VanLangen, and Charity A. Byrum
The Effects of Caffeine on The Agility T-Test and Heart Rate, Kaylin Schuda, Callie Thornton, Jordan Vitale, Lindsey Wright, and Kylie Ameres
The Effects of Carrying Loads on Lower Extremities within Military Personnel, Austin Billiot
The Effects of Creatine Supplementation on Muscle Mass in Female Bodybuilders, Morgan Murphy
The Effects of Distance Running on Idiopathic Hypertension in Middle-Aged Sedentary Males, Courtney Kanetzke
The Effects of Dry Needling Combined with Conservative Treatment on College-Aged Athletes With Rotator Cuff Disease, Reah Barger
The Effects of Dry Needling on Hamstring Strains and Pain in Collegiate Athletes, Eric Jones
The Effects of Energy Drinks on Division 1 Female Soccer Midfielders, Jordan Vitale
The Effects of Exercise on Cognition and ADLs in Males with Dementia, Kayla Curatolo
The Effects of Exercise on Diabetes Mellitus II, Jarrett Thompson and Tyler Marinelli
The Effects of Intermittent Fasting on Chronic Disease in Adults: A Systematic Review, Brendan Teeters
The Effects of Plyometric Training on Males in an Army Airborne Unit, Lane Evans
The Effects of Social Media as Low-Stakes Writing Tasks, Roxanne Loving
The Effects of Submaximal Fatigue on the Y-Balance Test scores, Caleb Bissette, Kayla Curatolo, Jacob Wall, and Megan Wortman
The Effects of Therabands on Collegiate Pitchers Rotator Cuff, Caleb Bissette
The Effects of Thermal Aquatic Therapy, Meredith Ferguson
The Effects of Warm-Up on Force Production in D1 Sprinters, Callie Rhea
The Evaluation of Video Teaching on Preoperative Anxiety in the Outpatient Pediatric Surgical Patient, Jennifer Glenn
The Family Tree Book Hamrick Family, Unknown
The Impact Life Experience Has On Leadership Development, Tawyna G. Daniels
The Impact of an Athletic Mentoring Program Using Strength and Conditioning on At-Risk High School Females, Catie Mayo
The Impact of Blended Professional Learning Focused on Total Physical Response Storytelling (TPRS®) on Teacher Perceptions and Practices, April Dawn DeBord
The Impact of Discharge Teaching on COPD Readmissions, Anita Lane Thurman
The Impact of Early College Programs on Transitioning to 4-Year Institutions, Tracie Hope Anderson Swilley
The Impact of Graduation Coaches' Relationship Building Strategies on Student Dispositions and Self-efficacy, Rick Strickland
The Impact of Homework on Students at a Rural High School in the Foothills of North Carolina, Thomas Dean Perry II
The Impact of Induction on First Year Lateral Entry Teacher Efficacy, Matthew Tipton
The Impact of Planned Purposeful Movement on Student Achievement in English Language Arts, Molly J. Dibble
The Impact of Playing Surface on DOMS in MLS Players During Training, Luke Beamer
The Impact of Simulation Learning on Community Opioid Overdose Prevention in Nursing Education, Lara Sheppa
The Impact of Teacher Working Conditions and Beginning Teacher Support on the Retention of Beginning Teachers in High - Poverty School Districts, Alfredia Moore
The Impact of the Gradual Release of Responsibility Professional Development on Teacher Self-Efficacy, Elizabeth Head Danley
The impact of Treating Endometriosis with Aerobic Exercise for women ages 20 to 30, Morgan Wortman
The Improvement of Pancreatic Function in Middle-Aged Diabetic Males, Zachary Tyler Lovelace
The Love Family Historical & Genealogical Quarterly (Vol. 3. No. 1), Robert A. Love
The Love Family Historical & Genealogical Quarterly (Vol. 3. No. 2), Robert A. Love
The Love Family Historical & Genealogical Quarterly (Vol. 3. No. 3), Robert A. Love
The Love Family Historical & Genealogical Quarterly (Vol. 3. No. 4), Robert A. Love
The Love Family Historical & Genealogical Quarterly (Vol. 3. No. 5), Robert A. Love
The Love Family Historical & Genealogical Quarterly (Vol. 5. No. 1), Robert A. Love
The Love Family Historical & Genealogical Quarterly (Vol. 5. No. 2), Robert A. Love
The Love Family Historical & Genealogical Quarterly (Vol. 5. No. 3), Robert A. Love
The Love Family Historical & Genealogical Quarterly (Vol. 5. No. 4), Robert A. Love
The Mechanics of a Basketball Jump Shot and the Necessary Muscle Recruitment, Jacob Wall and Luke Beamer
The Modern Hymnal: Standard Hymns and Gospel Songs New and Old, for General Use in All Church Services, Robert H. Coleman
The Movement Analysis of a Block Start, Callie Rhea, Carlos Williams, and Taylor Hotchkiss
The Movement Analysis of a Jump Float Volleyball Serve, Alin Richard and Kylee Garrison
The Movement Analysis of a Jump Squat, Cheyann Humphries and Hunter Wright
The Movement Analysis of the Olympic Power Clean Lift, Austin Billiot
The Partnership Imperative for Preparing Effective Principals in North Carolina Schools, Martinette Horner and Derrick D. Jordan
The Perception of Administrators and Guidance Counselors in Five Rural High Schools of the Ninth Grade Transition Program and/or Strategies, Sheila Vonta McGee-Carlton
The Positive and Negative Effects of Photography on Wildlife, Joy Smith
The Prevalence of the Female Athlete Triad in Division 1 Athletes, Kylie E. Ameres
The Relationship Between Adolescent Students' Motivation to Read and College- and Career-Ready Achievement, Brianne Elizabeth Schoch
The Relationship of National Board and Non-National Board Certified Teacher Growth Indexes on Standardized Assessments: A Causal Comparative Study, Pamela D. Porter
The Runnin' Bulldog Logo, Gardner-Webb University
The Signing Brain: Its Function, Its Dysfunction, and Its Societal Role, Blaire Marie Pope
The Storytellers’ Trauma: A Place to Call Home in Caribbean Literature, Ilari Pass
The Teacher's Role in Student Engagement, Anita Grove
The Webbs and the First Baptist Church of Shelby, Fay Webb Gardner
To Empathize, or Not Empathize in Educational Leadership, Mei Jiang and Shulan Lu
Transferring the Mantle: The Voice of the Poet Prophet in the Works of Elizabeth Barrett Browning and Emily Dickinson, Heidi Brown Hyde
Transformative Organizational Change In A Community College Facilities Department, David L. Forester
Triad of Anxiety: A Qualitative Analysis for Anxiety in Nursing Student Collegiate-Athletes, Morgan VanderSchaaf, Sharon Webb, and Abby Garlock
Truth and Hope, a Collection of Sacred Songs, Both New and Old, for the Church, the Sunday-School, the Revival Meeting, the Singing School, the Singing Convention, and All Kinds of Religious Work and Worship, George W. Bacon and W. N. Cook
Two-Week Nutritional Assessment, Tim Bennett and Caitie Mayo
Type I Diabetes and Exercise, Tia Howell and Anna Henderson
Undated - News Clipping - Edna Webb Darwin, Lillian Henry
Underachievement in Gifted High School Students: Examining School Administrator Perceptions, Lamont Moore
Understanding Video Adoption: An Insider Action Researcher’s Case Study Using the Concerns-Based Adoption Model to Facilitate a Community of Inquiry in Online Courses, Emily G. Robertson
Using Therapeutic Photography Techniques to Increase the Wellbeing of College Students, Licia Tourigny and Ivelina Naydenova
Victor 1 (1963) with Doris Winchester & Rob Weir, Unknown
Victor I (1960) with Gale Weeks, Unknown
Victor II (1969), Unknown
Voices for Jesus: for Sunday-Schools, Revivals, Conventions and All Religious Work and Worship, James D. Vaughan
Voices of the Implementers: The Perceptions and Experiences of Educators Implementing PBIS, Jacqueline Nicole Freeman
Webby Award, Gardner-Webb University
Welcome from Graduate Presentations Chair, Dr. Donald W. Caudill
What Poverty Means For Student Achievement and The Best Practices for Teaching Students in Poverty, Megan White
Who is Selected to Participate in Gifted and Talented Programs in a Small Southeastern School District?, Kancy Cleveland
Why do Girls Outperform Boys in School: A Qualitative Study of Boy-Friendly Teaching, Teacher Efficacy and Practices, Renee Blair Clifford
Why Parents Choose Dual Language Immersion Programs, Darice Irby
William Baxter Harrill Family, Odell A. Harrill
William Putnam Love Family History, Unknown
Will & Testament Statement from Children of W. P. Andrews - 1904 - January 12, Unknown
Will & Testament - W. P . Andrews (Handwritten), Unknown
Windows of Heaven: Hymns New and Old for the Church, Sunday School and Home, H. M. Wharton and I. S. Field
Wisdom Gained in the Superintendency: A study of Leadership Lessons Learned from Retired Superintendents, William Jeffrey Booker
Withrow - Hamilton - Andrews Home Place 1 (Rutherford County, NC), Unknown
Withrow - Hamilton - Andrews Home Place 2 (Rutherford County, NC), Unknown
Withrow - Hamilton - Andrews Home Place 3 (Rutherford County, NC), Unknown
Workforce Development in the 21st Century for High School Students, Bruce Mack
Wrist-worn Fitness Trackers and their Application to the Wheelchair Bound Population, Micah Balltzglier
You Belong: A Focuson Cultural Awareness, Inclusivity, and Diversity in Schools to Improve Recruitment and Retention, Keicha Chandler-Smith